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"Mom, please tell me this is a joke." You look at her pleadingly. "You've never met Jungkook before, even I didn't know he existed until a few weeks ago." You can't even understand what's happening right now, much less even consider what she's saying to be true.

'None of this makes sense, proposing to me at Christmas? Since when? This has to be a prank, and everyone's behind it. Taehyung could be doing this for all I know.'

You sigh, softly rubbing your temples with the tips of your fingers. You take a moment to breathe before trying to dive back into this insane conversation with your mother.

"You said that you recorded it, right? With the video camera?" You ask with a relaxed tone, remaining normal and not freaking out, so you won't scare her.

"I did. It's in the closet." She looks at you a second longer then nods her head, already know that you want to see the video. "I'll go get it." She quickly walks off and goes to the bedroom to find the video camera.

You sit there with unease pooling around your body, sensing something bad but not sure what. During last Christmas, you didn't bring anyone here, not even Namjoon came because of the tension with your father. Things weren't making sense at all.

Why is she saying all this? She couldn't be lying because she's always so honest, but you have no way of understanding what any of this means.

"I put some new batteries in, so it should work." Your mom comes back with the device.

She comes around and sits down beside you, opening up the small screen and handing it to you.

"The memory card should still be in." She adds softly, glancing back at you and the video camera as if unsure of what's about to happen.

You breathe in slowly, concentrating on finding out what any of this means. You press the on button and go to the videos, showing a few from different dates, but you click on the one that's the newest, which is Christmas Eve.

The room falls silent when you click play and start watching.

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"Okay, who's ready for some hot chocolate?" Your mom cheers, walking into the wide living room with some mugs.

She holds the camera in one hand, while the other carries the drinks towards the coffee table. "Oh, it's such a nice Christmas this year. I get to spend it with my babies." She says sweetly, placing down the hot drinks and backing away to film everything.

The camera moves from one spot to the other quickly. She shows the decorations of white and silver, while the huge Christmas tree is covered in gold ornaments and a long, clear bow. White lights are scattered on the walls, placed neatly with a huge reef on top of the mantel and a mistletoe that's on the wall as well.

The fireplace is going, warming up the living room comfortably. The windows have tiny lights surrounding the edges. The camera zooms outside, showing how dark it is and how much it's snowing at night.

"Darling, settle down. We all know how much you love the holidays, but you should relax too." Your dad begins from somewhere in the room, then the camera is on him instantly.

"Say hi, honey," she giggles when the camera is on her husband who is dressed in his green pajamas.

"Yes, yes, hello," he gives in. He waves while drinking some of the soothing drink she just made.

"And now where's my big boy?" She turns around the room, aiming the camera to find Namjoon, but a sudden boyish squeak comes from behind the Christmas tree.

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