②⑥ | 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙣

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You don't care how fast you're speeding down the street because your mind is about to explode from so many thoughts that are taking over.

Jungkook has to know something about what all this means.

'Did he lie to me?'

That one single thought echoes back and forth, consuming even the smaller ones as you drive to your brother's place.

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You rush out of the car, seeing how the sun is lowering in the sky. It'll be dark soon. You shut the door and run upstairs into the building to find out the truth.

"Joon!" You call, uncaring if you're yelling or not. They are here, and now it's your chance.

You wonder if Namjoon remembers, but yet he acted like he didn't know him in the vehicle earlier.

"Joon, Jungkook—"

You stop mid-sentence when entering the destroyed apartment.

Papers are scattered across the floor, the door has been beaten down, broken glass of different kinds is everywhere, then you see the top of your brother's head sticking out behind the couch.

"Joon!" You rush to him, bypassing the mess and gently lifting his head to rest in your lap.

"What happened?" You choke, seeing his eyes open slowly and a cut on his lip. One of his cheeks is bruised, and he winces while trying to raise up.

You help him to a sitting position, letting his head rest against the back of the sofa. He holds his side, coughing slightly. He groans while keeping pressure on the area.

"They took him after you left." He narrows his eyes when another pain comes to his side. "I'm sorry; I tried to fight them but there were so many. I'm pretty sure one of those bastards fractured my rib." His breathing is quick.

It was hours ago when you left them. You try to hold your braveness for your brother.

"Where are they?" You ask, pulling out your phone to call an ambulance.

"Dad's company I think. I heard one of them mention it." He admits.

"Okay, I'm calling an ambulance. You stay here and—"

"I can't. The police are looking for me, and Dad has it out for me too. I'm not safe—"

"Namjoon, I don't think that's the case anymore. I found out something earlier... let's just say you don't have to hide any longer." You begin but don't have time to explain.

"I'm going to find Jungkook," you stand while talking over the phone to the operator. You give them the address and basic information before you hang up.

"They'll be here soon. After this is over, I'll find you." You tell him before running out of his apartment, hearing him shout for you to come back.

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Speeding down the road, you near your father's company.

Kim Industries.

You gulp while driving into the garage of the building. Parking the car, you get out and quickly walk to the elevators.

Scanning your entrance card, you go to the place your father is always in, the basement.

The basement is where he and his team create the newest technology. It's his second home. The elevator goes down soon enough.

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