②⓪ | 𝙏𝙞𝙣𝙮 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙨

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The tests took around two hours to complete, which was exhausting, to say the least. The amounts of needles that were injected into your skin made you come to the point of feeling numb and practically getting over your fear of them.

Hey, maybe you could get that tattoo you always wanted? You snicker the mental joke to yourself.

The joke soon falls when Jungkook walks back into the lab. He comes up to you with his hands shoved in his pants pockets.

"Come on," he gestures while nodding towards the door and walking off.

Gently, you stand and follow him out of the lab with bandaids running across different parts of your arms and legs.

You make it into the elevator with Jungkook again, but this time, he's talking on the phone. He's still completely ignoring your existence.

It pisses you off. You've been trying to talk to him every time you've seen him. However, all he's done is cut your words off or pretend like you're some stranger. It makes your blood boil.

This time you choose to listen in on his phone call, which is a huge mistake.

"Yeah, I'll be back later, babe. Be ready for me," for the third time, ouch.

So he moved on like nothing ever happened? It hurt, and yes, it was stupid of you to run off like you did but this? Ending it and replacing you?

Even though your relationship wasn't at all like a normal one, you still felt something, and he did too. It was too quick to have feelings, but you did feel something. He felt something too, or else he wouldn't have been as hurt.

You easily turn your head towards him, hearing words that are mostly sexual, and he didn't give a damn if you were in the elevator to overhear every bit of it.

To even think about him touching another woman shot pain through your being. Just imaging him running his hands down another woman's sides, complementing her body, and then what would come after. 

But you weren't having it. You were not going to be ignored any longer.

The elevator soon dings, and Jungkook walks out first, still on the phone with whoever this bitch is he's been fucking. Are you a little pissed? No, you're hella pissed. All this time you were hoping you could make it up to him, but he was having sex with someone else?

Not anymore because you're putting a stop to it.

Walking to the car, you climb inside the passenger seat with Jungkook sliding in the driver's seat.

"Oh yeah, you know how much I love lace, don't you?" Jungkook teases into the phone. "Such a filthy girl,"

'This manhoe did not just—no, let it go, Y/N,'

Your plan is already forming, and you know what's about to happen.

Jungkook starts up the vehicle and drives out of the garage and back onto the almost empty streets. It's almost three in the morning.

While Jungkook continues to talk dirty over the phone, he slows down at a red light. He's too engaged with the other woman to pay any attention to you.

You laugh to yourself because soon his mind is about to be full of you and only you.

Smoothly, you decide to play this little game too. You reach into your jacket pocket and pull out your cellphone.

Once unlocking it, you go straight to your contacts and decide to fake a phone call.

Were you seriously about to do this? Yes, yes you were.

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