①② | 𝙍𝙚𝙙 𝙒𝙞𝙣𝙚

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The kiss feels so nice. It's unexpected and reminds you so much of how your relationship was.

He's always been a sudden type of person. No one ever knew what was going on inside that head of his, even now he still works in mysterious ways.

But as much as your heart wants you to wrap your hands around his neck and pull him closer, you don't. Instead, you place your hands on his chest and push him away.

The kiss you share now breaking, ending like your relationship.

"Taehyung, I—"

"You met someone," his husky voice speaks quickly, but his hands are still clinging to yours.

"I had a feeling, but I'm willing to wait as long as it takes to get you back."

You shake your head.

"It's not like that. I'm not really with anyone. I'm focusing on finding my happiness... without searching for it in someone." You look up at him, seeing the pain in his eyes from your words.

You slide your hands out of his and stand up, leaving him still on the ground.

"I'm sorry, but I don't believe you. There were always other times when I questioned your loyalty too. I'm sorry, Taehyung, but that time has passed, and I can't cling onto us anymore." You bypass him, walking to the exit of the shop.

As soon as your hand grabs the knob, Taehyung yells through the coffee shop, gaining everyone's attention immediately.

"Wait, just tell me one thing. Do you... still love me?" And that nearly broke your heart, seeing him remaining on his knees while calling out to you so desperately.

You nod with a quivering lip.

"I'll always love you, Tae... but we're over,"

Then you walk out, leaving him behind while walking through the city crowds with tears running down your cheeks.

You'll always love him. He was your first love, but you can't believe him. All the evidence was there, and you know it deep within your heart.

Taehyung did cheat, regardless of what he said and his sweet words. It was a trick to have you running back to him, and you won't run back to anyone. You're a strong, independent woman who doesn't need a man, especially one who cheats.

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The walk back was torment. Your heart was aching in such a way that you felt sick.

When you unlock your apartment door and head inside, you're surprised to see your boss sitting on the sofa, talking with Yoongi like casual buddies.

"Uhh... did I miss something while I was out?" You ask confused, forgetting your sadness for the moment.

Both men turn to you, surprised to see you too.

"Hey, look who finally showed up," Yoongi admits with a grin.

He notices how your eyes stay locked on Jungkook.

"Ah, Jungkook here is an old friend of mine. We used to live together." And then it all makes sense.

The darkness of Jungkook's mansion, and how it was a completely different style. It was Yoongi all along.

"That explains a lot," you place your purse down and walk over to sit on the end of the other couch.

"Ms. Han, you look nice," Jungkook admires you from across the room.

"We're not at work," you remind.

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