①⑦ | 𝙎𝙥𝙞𝙣 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘽𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚

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"So who's going first?" Hoseok announces happily, a wide smile on his features while glancing at everyone around the circle.

You avoid his eyes, knowing good and well that you do not want to be the one to start this off.

Sure you and Hoseok made out a few times when he spent the night when you were younger but that was clearly for experimental purposes only.

You each had no clue how to kiss so around middle school and before you met Taehyung, you both would practice on one another, which if not for Namjoon barging in one time, then you might've ended up losing your virginity to the man across from you, but luckily, you both never went that far again hence leading you, later on, to lose your v-card with Taehyung instead.

The plan to ignore Hoseok fails when he points right at you, which you mentally curse yourself for not making eye contact with him.

"Y/N," he says daringly. "Why don't you start? You're probably the best kisser here." He admits.

"Gross," Namjoon pipes in.

Hoseok quickly rearranges his words when Yoongi elbows him in the side with a tad bit of jealously.

"I mean, other than you. We all know how good you're with your tongue." Hoseok winks at Yoongi, giving him a gentle kiss on the nose, which makes Yoongi settle down and nod with a go-ahead of the game.

Reaching your hand out, you grab the empty beer bottle and spin the empty glass.

Everyone's eyes stay glued to the bottle, watching it whirl until it finally starts slowing down, landing on the person on the opposite side of the room.

Looking up at the person, you smirk, knowing good and well he did this on purpose.

"Oh no, it landed on me," Hoseok says innocently, shrugging his shoulders to further his innocence, but you both know it's nothing of the sort.

Hoseok starts crawling towards you on his knees, but you stay still, glancing at Yoongi.

"If you're not okay with this, then I won't do it." You speak to Yoongi, ignoring the boy who's in front of you.

Yoongi waves you off.

"I don't mind; it's just a silly game anyway. Besides, if you never would've taught him how to kiss, then we wouldn't have as much fun as we do." Yoongi admits with a low laugh.

You hear Namjoon fake hurl on the couch, gagging like he might vomit from Yoongi's words about you teaching Hoseok how to kiss.

Rolling your eyes, you ignore him.

"Well, if you don't care, then I guess it's fine." You agree, crawling towards the center of the circle and getting in front of Hoseok. He has the sneakiest smirk plastered on his lips.

Jimin and Yoongi watch closely, becoming quiet, while they each take in what's about to happen.

His hands suddenly find the back of your neck, pulling you towards him, but he whispers a few words before doing anything to you.

"It's been a while," he chuckles softly, shutting his eyes, while you follow.

Within a second, you feel his lips on yours, softly kissing you like old times. You can't help but think about how you used to do this all the time. You would sit on your bed while kissing each other like this. It was an old memory but one you definitely wouldn't forget, considering how Hoseok is the first person you ever kissed.

After a few more seconds of remembering the old times, you each pull away.

"Still such an amazing kisser," Hoseok mumbles, backing away and sitting next to Yoongi, while you retreat to your spot too.

Everyone stares in silence, a little in shock from how the night has turned out.

"Well, that was something," Yoongi admits, coughing to change the topic about what Hoseok and you just did together. "Who's next?" Yoongi questions. When no one answers, he takes the bottle and spins it himself. "I'll go,"

Again, you all watch closely as the bottle goes around and around in circles. When the bottle stops, it lands on Namjoon, even though he's not playing.

Yoongi glances up, looking across the room at his resting body.

Gently, Yoongi starts slowly moving towards him with quietness.

As soon as he stands right over him, he begins reaching for the magazine to take it off his face.

Before anything else can happen, Namjoon suddenly grabs Yoongi's wrist.

"Do it, and you're dead," as if the threat was enough, Yoongi fled.

He returns to his seat in defeat.

"You still have me to kiss, Yoongi," Hoseok admires encouragingly when looking at him.

Yoongi grins and hands the bottle to Jimin to spin.

Jimin shyly, but willingly, takes the bottle from his hand. He lays it on the ground and spins it while paying close attention to where it lands.

He tries not to gulp when the bottle starts easing down its movements. He watches closely as it passes Namjoon, then him and the couple. Eventually, it's pointing directly at you when it finally stops.

You look at him. His hands are resting on his thighs, while he looks at you shyly as he bites his lip.

Jimin was acting extremely shy today, and you don't know why. You don't know if it's because of this or something else, but he's acting so out of character.

But before you two could do anything, Hoseok announces that the beer ran out.

Jimin stands up, remembering how he promised to buy more beer.

"I'll walk with you. It's dark out, and I don't want you to go by yourself. It could be dangerous." You admit, standing up and dusting off your behind from sitting on the floor.

You walk to the door where Jimin stands and start to leave your apartment. You ease your head outside and see how it's raining a little. You take your see-through umbrella and tell the others that it won't take long. You soon leave your home for a beer run.

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