②⑦ | 𝙈𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨

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You can feel every part of your body stiffen.

"Jungkook, it's me," you struggle to get out of the tape, but it's futile. "Y/N..." Your words die when a strong laugh comes from behind.

Turning around, you see Yoongi holding that same smirk.

"Oh, did I forget to mention I erased his memories again?" He continues to chuckle.

This time, you let the tears run, letting them rain down your skin as if being stuck in a storm that you can't escape.

"Jungkook," you choke while saying his name.

Yoongi suddenly pulls out a knife, then cuts the tape from around your wrists. "I want to watch what you'll do now that he doesn't remember anything about you."

You ignore him and rush to Jungkook's side. You ignore the pain in both wrists from struggling and ignore the way Yoongi and Jin are both enjoy every bit of this.

Softly, you take his hand in yours and run your fingers over his bruised knuckles. "Please say you remember me... us?" You glance up at him with glossy eyes.

You see the confusion and pain in his expression. He reaches his hand out, wiping off the tears from your cheek.

"I'm sorry, I don't know you, but please, don't be upset... you're too pretty to cry." His words only break your heart more, then you hear Yoongi curse.

"Shit, I forgot to erase his compassion." You twist out of Jungkook's grasp.

"You were trying to take his emotions away too?" You walk over to him. "You're a monster," you spit the words, wrinkling your nose in disgust.

"Well, that's a little unfair," Jin admits. "He's only been doing what he knows is right—what we know is right. I think it's about time we get to live in wealth and enjoy all this glory that he's had since birth. Jeon Jungkook doesn't even deserve to breathe." Jin suddenly marches up to you, then grabs your upper arm.

"It's time to finally finish this project," Yoongi says, while Jin tries to yank you into the room Jungkook just came from, but you stomp on his foot, which makes him release you.

Your memories are not being taken from you again. You'll fight until your last breath, and you won't forget who you truly are a second time.

"Don't struggle," Jin grows annoyed, while you rush past him.

You turn and reach your hand out for Jungkook.

"We have to leave—"

Before the words can be said, you're being thrown to the floor harshly by Jin.

"Hey!" Jungkook stands from the table, eyeing Jin coldly. Jungkook starts walking weakly towards you both, but Yoongi pushes him back before he can reach you.

The two start fighting, while you try to get up from the floor to help, but Jin towers over you with a pissed expression. He comes closer. He pins you down and sits on top of your waist while keeping you from standing.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you... hopefully," then his hands are around your neck, and your nails are dragging across his skin in an attempt to get free.

His hands squeeze harder, not giving you any chance of escaping. It starts becoming difficult to breathe.

Your heart is hammering in your chest as your adrenaline is pumping through your veins like crazy. The will to live is sinking in, and you have to hold on. You can't die like this—not yet.

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