③ | 𝙃𝙞𝙨 𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙮

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Sometime in the middle of the night, you wake up in a cold sweat, completely out of breath from the intense dream you just experienced.

The dream started with a memory from your past, involving your ex who you so needed to get out of your mind. In the dream, it played memories of when you both would spend hours talking on the phone, when you would FaceTime just because you wanted to see each other, and even when he showed up at your old house to surprise you with a bouquet of roses, then the memories changed to painful ones.

You recall the day so well. You were hurrying to get back to your shared apartment to tell him you got the job at one of the Jeon Towers, which is where he was working at the time too. Of course, you got the job because your dad knew people, but you were still so happy to share the news with him.

It didn't take long to walk back to your old apartment because the location was closer than your apartment is now. After entering the home, you called out his name, but no one answered. When you started to walk inside your shared bedroom, you saw him on top of another girl who was screaming at the top of her lungs in pleasure.

You left the apartment as fast as you could, not having the heart to confront him.

The next day, you went back and collected your belongings; however, you were relieved when you noticed that he wasn't there. You left him, leaving behind a note to explain how cruel he was to even consider doing something like that to you.

Afterward, it took months to be able to even think about him—let alone say his name out loud. He broke you plain and simple. Now he's starting to reach out to you again, and it's bringing back memories that you don't want to remember.

And that brings you to here and now, breathing heavily while clutching tightly onto your sweaty, pajama shirt. Eventually, you catch your breath and decide to change your thoughts, thinking about your new boss instead.

You honestly couldn't believe that he was going to make you go along with all of this. In the back of your mind, you think it's probably a setup to try new employees, like a tv show of some sort.

Getting out of bed, you decide to get a glass of water to clear your thoughts.

On your walk into the kitchen, you find yourself suddenly embarrassed again when you remember the scene in your boss's office.

You try not to think about it, knowing that it was both the wrong place and wrong time... but in the back of your head, it makes you question your belief if this whole situation is a big joke or not.

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This morning when you wake up, you instantly go to your closet, trying to find clothes that he asked you to start wearing to work.

Unconsciously, you sigh after pulling out a pile of clothes that he wouldn't want you to wear.

All you have is neat and classic or comfortable and lazy clothes. There's nothing sexy about your wardrobe at all.

You contemplate going to a store before work begins, but you know you would probably be late if you did that.

"What are you doing?" Yoongi stands in your bedroom doorway, narrowing his eyes while a yawn escapes his lips.

"Looking for some clothes," you continue tossing out more outfits that won't do. You're sitting on the floor with your legs crossed while pulling out everything wearable.

"Uh, check the massive pile behind you." His eyes widen when he takes in the huge mound.

"Yeah, well, I need a mature, showy outfit." You gesture with your hand towards the closet. "Mr. J is expecting dress to impress today." You admit, backing up until you collapse backward on your bed.

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