②④ | 𝙃𝙤𝙢𝙚

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The car falls silent from Jungkook's unpredicted sentence. Namjoon goes still, glancing at him confused, then he's the first to speak.

"What's the dream project?"

Again, silence takes over, but eventually, Jungkook sighs, deciding to tell him.

"It's my company's design." Jungkook begins, trying not to think about the pain in his leg. "After I told Taehyung that it came to me in a dream, we slowly started to build it."

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On the way to Namjoon's hideout, Jungkook explains everything about the dream project to him.

Eventually, you all make it safely to Namjoon's. You both have to help carry Jungkook up to the apartment.

Luckily, Namjoon is good in the medical field, so he tries to get the bullet out after we move him somewhere to lay down. You have to hold Jungkook down on the couch, so he won't thrash around. After a little while, Namjoon successfully removes the bullet.

"And done," Namjoon wipes his forehead, sweat trickling down the sides of his face from how much the hour has brought him. "Lay here and rest. I'm going to find something to stitch the wound." Namjoon turns around to walk off, but Jungkook grabs his wrist before he can go too far.

"Hey, thank you for this. Since everyone knows my face now, it's not safe for me anywhere in public. I won't forget this... I'll find a way to repay you—"

"If we make it out of whatever mess this is, you can repay me by leaving Y/N alone." Namjoon turns around, keeping calm but clearly aggravated. He removes his wrist out of Jungkook's hold.


"No, Y/N. Look at this," Namjoon points to Jungkook's leg. "This is a bullet wound, not something made in movies—this is real life. We were being shot at not an hour ago!"

You look down, not knowing what to say because the situation has become so dangerous in the blink of an eye.

He sighs. "You're my sister, and it's my job to protect you no matter what." He walks closer to you, enveloping you in a hug. "I want you to be safe. I love you."

"Namjoon, I—"

But before you can get the words out of your mouth, your phone rings, and he pulls away from the embrace.

You quickly pull out the phone and see it's your mom calling; you don't hesitate to answer.

"Mom?" You speak quietly, even Namjoon looks wide-eyed. Mom doesn't call much, but when she does, it has to be something important.

"Y/N, come home."

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Namjoon lets you drive his car over to the house. You were surprised that you didn't get pulled over because of the bullet holes in the vehicle on the way there, but you were thankful to not be stopped by the cops.

You come busting through the front door, yelling for your mother urgently.

"Mom?" You call, rushing into the white, polished mansion that you grew up in. You bypass the doorway, coming into the massive kitchen in hopes to find her, which you do.

"Mom!" You hurry to her side, hugging her. She turns around shocked.

"Y/N? I didn't expect you to get here so soon." She laughs lovingly.

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