①③ | 𝙃𝙤𝙩 𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙧

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"This is it," he coos, unlocking the penthouse door, while you walk inside. "It's not as big as the house, but it has a nice view."

And he's right. The view after walking further into the huge penthouse leaves you in bewilderment. Bright city lights pour into the darkness of the room, showing so many different colors of various buildings.

"Do you like it?" He comes up to you, watching how you're taking in the view. You're standing right in front of the large windows, eyes glancing at every twinkle that catches your attention.

"I love it," you agree, keeping your eyes glued to the sight.

Despite living with your parents, you've never been able to have a view like this, considering how they would rather have a mansion than living up high. The closest you've ever got to see the city with a view like this is your recent job, but since you've been working, you haven't been given the chance to take in the view just yet.

"I had a feeling you would," Jungkook comes up to you, placing his hands on either side of your arms. "I wanted to make it up to you for how dinner went. I asked you out, so we could get to know each other, but I guess things took a turn." He softly whispers in your ear.

"But there are other ways of getting to know one another." He smoothly pushes your hair to the other side of your neck, placing gentle and warm kisses along your skin.

"Jungkook," you breathe softly, moving your neck to the side, so he can get a better angle. Your heartbeat picks up from his smooth touch.

"Hmm?" He mumbles, eyes closed while running his lips down your exposed shoulder.

"We really shouldn't be doing this." You admit, thinking about your earlier circumstance with Taehyung. It feels wrong, but at the same time, it also doesn't.

"But I know you like it," he speaks huskily, causing you to tremble in his strong arms. "I mean, if your heart beats any faster, it'll explode." He chuckles, bringing his hand around to rest right over your heart. "This is how I know you like it... or am I wrong?"

This causes you to turn around and face him. His eyes are stuck on yours, hand moving to softly press against your cheek, while the other places loose locks behind your ear.

"You're so beautiful," he almost sings the words, each syllable coming out slowly.

"Why are you saying that?" You turn away. "I thought I was just seen as an object to you. I'm here for your pleasure, remember?"

He gently grabs your chin, making you face him once again.

"I always say what's at the front of my mind. Yes, it started that way, but after staying the night with you yesterday, something was different when I woke up. I can't explain it myself, but you feel familiar to me. Like... I know you."

This of course doesn't help your heart rate. You didn't understand what he was trying to say, but you couldn't help the way it affected you.

You almost do something drastic like grabbing his collar and pulling him to you, gripping his hair, while you both make out hotly.

'Yeah, that would be crazy... what the hell,'

Then you suddenly grab his shirt, pulling him to you in a needy, desperate kiss. Your fingers find themselves lost in his thick hair. His lips are so tender and warm that it makes you melt against them.

After a few more seconds of kissing, he picks you up and slaps your ass for you to wrap your legs around his waist, which you do. He walks to the bathroom and flips on the bright light, which exposes the fancy structure, but you don't stop kissing him because his lips are the only thing you're focused on right now.

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