⑥ | 𝘼𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨

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"So we're talking casually now?" You hum, walking by his side to the elevator.

"It is after work hours. Besides, I believe I was told not to do such things at work and not to touch you without your consent, correct?" He grins.

You hum again in agreement.

"Well, since we're not working... I can do with you as I please, right? And yes, I'm asking you this time." He wraps his arm around you, which causes goosebumps to run along your skin.

"That's right. You can do whatever you want to me. I give you my permission." Looking up, you meet his eyes that are coated with such a strong desire of lust that it almost makes you wet from the sight alone.

"Whatever I want?" His eyes travel to your lips. "I have a few ideas."

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Around thirty minutes later, you arrive at a house.

"We're here, sir," the driver, which so happens to also be the man who carried Jimin down, says from the front.

"Good, you can park the vehicle in the garage once you carry Mr. Park inside." Mr. J announces while stepping out into the chilly, night air.

He holds his hand out towards you, signaling for you to come with him.

You gently slide your hand over his, stepping out of the vehicle too.

Once your feet have safely landed on the ground, you take in the enormous structure before you.

The building is at least four stories high, covered in colors of white, grey, and a mixture of an ashy black. The front has six, white columns that each line left and right of the porch, while white, dim lights hide behind the dark, green bushes around the structure. The rest of the driveway curves around the home. In the center of the pavement, a majestic fountain sprays sparkling, blueish water.

This place has to be worth millions.

"Like it?" Mr. J suddenly grabs your attention.

"It's so fancy. Do you live here?" You find yourself asking, turning your attention to him.

He just smirks at you, tossing a silver key into the air before it lands smoothly in his opened palm.

"I live in a few places, but this one is by far my favorite." He starts walking forward, and you follow behind. Jimin's sleeping body and the muscular guy eventually catch up too.

The porch steps are massive. The steps lead directly to the front door, which is made out of white marble.

Once everyone makes it to the top of the steps, Mr. J walks forward and unlocks the door. He pushes the door open, letting you pass through first.

Entering the home, your mouth nearly drops when seeing the extravagance of the first room.

The floors are black stone, polished so bright that the reflection of the light hits on top of the surface. Two staircases are on either side of the room, separated at the bottom but combined at the top; it's also designed with silver railings. To your left, you see a wide, living area, completely covered in white. The carpet of the floor looks so soft from your position. The room to your right looks like another living area; however, the color of the room is painted differently than that of the other. The right room is painted darkly, almost making the two living areas a yin yang of the house.

"I can see why this place is your favorite." You admit, still gazing at every inch and corner.

He chuckles, slipping his hand in yours. "Well, there's more to see, so follow me." Within mere seconds, he's leading you upstairs.

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