②① | 𝙎𝙪𝙣-𝙠𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙙

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The both of you stayed cuddled up together until dawn, even staying so close while watching the early sunrise. It was beautiful, watching the timely sun's rays ignite through the front of the vehicle's windows as if catching you red-handed.

The sun had indeed exposed you two to the world, completely showing off your still naked bodies to anyone that might've come closer to the car. But yet, this moment is too rare—too precious to give up from the possibility of what others would think if you each were found, so you stayed.

Stayed in his arms, softly snoozing against his chest, while he rests his head on yours as you both sleep away the tiredness you both have had since being apart from one another.

And as if some would think this came straight from a Hollywood script, it wasn't and didn't. This, right here and now, is reality, and it felt so amazing. Even with the high chance of being discovered, it would still be worth it until the very end.

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It's when a cop politely knocks on the driver's window that you both wake up.

"Excuse me, sir, but I'm afraid I'm going to ask you to step out of the vehicle." The cop says, then mumbles the last few words. "And put on some clothes,"

Even though I was worried, Jungkook only chuckled. He shifted away from you and crawled into the driver's seat from the back. He turns on the car and rolls the driver's window down for the officer.

"Yes?" Jungkook says cockily, tongue sticking out of his cheek so hotly.

"I need you to step out of the car—"

"I'll do you one better," Jungkook grabs his pants and fishes out his wallet, then shows the cop his ID.

The officer's face turns pale when he scans over the card twice before tipping his hat down.

"My apologies, Mr. Jeon," he then hurries back into his vehicle and drives off in another direction.

"Well, it seems like being Jeon Jungkook has its perks." You encourage, leaning up and placing a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Just a few," he turns his head just right so your lips meet each other. "But as much as I hate to, we should be going back. It's almost lunchtime, and I'm sure Yoongi has been looking for you."

You agree, taking your clothes and putting them on, while he tries his best to get his on too. Getting dressed in a car is much more difficult than you expected.

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When you make it into the parking lot of your apartment complex, you turn to him and ask him a quick question that you weren't sure how he was going to respond to.

"So when will we see each other again?" You find your voice quiet all of a sudden, arms wrapping around your sides while waiting to hear his reply.

"I don't know," that caused you to freeze.

Was everything that happened last night nothing to him? Did he not want to see you again... or was he only so gentle with you last night so that he could cut you off for good. After all, he does have another girl waiting for him back at home.

With your heart beginning to calm down from the passion, it only starts cracking from yet another type of pain that settles deep within for some odd reason.

"Do you... not want to see me?" You can't help how pathetic and weak your voice sounds while asking this. You face forward, eyes trying not to blink for fear of tears.

"No, no, that's not why I'm hesitant... I just don't want you to be seen with me—"

"So what you're saying is that you don't want to be seen with an average girl? Someone who doesn't rank up to your standards?" You open the car door, feeling hurt ten times more than when you left the night before.

But he opens the car and rushes towards you, keeping you from storming off into your home.

"It's not like that, Y/N," he begins, eyes sorrowful when he looks at your hurt expression. "I don't want someone to come after you because of whatever it is that we're starting to have..."

Hearing this completely takes you by surprise. He didn't want you near him because he doesn't want you injured?

"Because of the shooter," you mumble, causing him to nod gently.

"When I told you that I had to hide my identity, I meant it. However, as hard as I've tried to keep my real appearance covered, someone figured it out, and I've been receiving death threats whenever I'm vulnerable."

"It's the same reason I pushed you away that day at the office. I know you had nothing to do with the shooter, but I figured that if I hurt you, then you would leave me alone and be safe." He admits, almost looking hurt from the words he used at that time.

You don't want it to end like this, so you suddenly decide to ask him.

"When's the next time you're free?" You change the topic, making him look at you surprised. "Don't worry about the shooter, I just want to spend more time with you."

He contemplates your words, hoping that maybe this could work if you both were extremely careful, so he caves, deciding to be truthful and tell you the next time he's available.

"Well, today's Saturday, but I still have some work to catch up on... I guess tomorrow," he explains. "Why?"

You smile, standing on your tippy-toes and leaning up to kiss him on the lips.

"Pick me up around 7:30 tomorrow. We should have dinner, then we can talk and get to know one another the right way." You tell him.

"Will that be okay?" You find yourself wondering if it was even right to ask.

He nods with a genuine smile.

"It's perfect. I'll find somewhere that's quiet and safe just for the two of us."

And then he walks back to his car, opening the door and calling out something else that makes your heart speed up.

"It's a date. I'll see you soon, Y/N." Then he drives off, leaving you alone, while you hold onto your heart that's beating just as crazy as his but little did either of you know.

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