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Slowly, you grab the door handle and climb into the vehicle. He doesn't say a word after you get settled in; he only puts the vehicle in drive.

Awkwardly, you shift in your seat. You try to figure out what exactly to say after not seeing him for so long.

"So... how have you been?" You start, hands resting on your thighs.

"Let's focus on the project," his voice is emotionless. He turns down the radio before speaking any further. "We had an accident going in with another individual. She hasn't woken up since she went under a day ago." He admits tiredly.

So after all these weeks, he wasn't going to call. He had found someone else to help him with this project and was just going to forget about you. Your hunch was right, he did lie. Wow, ouch.

You try not to think about the little pain in your chest. Instead, you try to focus on asking about this project of his since that's the only conversation he wants to have.

"Well, how is it coming along? Any luck with two people being in the same dream?" You ask, eyes now staring out the window when the towering, city buildings pass by.

You notice his pause, but he eventually answers your question.

"We're making progress. We started to advance into the next step of having two or more people in the same dream setting, but so far, it hasn't been done yet."

He sighs when his phone rings. He pulls it out of his pocket and continues driving. He has one hand on the wheel, while the other is holding the phone against his ear.

You drown out his words, not wanting to hear him for a moment.

Eventually, he takes a turn and drives into an underground, parking garage underneath a tall building. The garage comes alive when blueish-white, lights flash on after entering the lot. He quickly parks the vehicle and steps out, while you do the same. He locks the car and starts walking forward, not waiting for you at all.

"Where are we?" You call from behind him, glancing around at the almost vacant parking lot.

"The lab,"

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Upon entering the elevator and going to one of the top floors of the building, he stays silent during the ride up. He checks his phone the whole time as if to use it for an excuse not to talk to you.

You won't deny that it hurts. He's practically ignoring you to the best of his abilities, and it's about to get the best of you.


"We're here," he cuts you off and leaves the elevator when the doors open.

You sigh inwardly, becoming aggravated with him. For now, you let it go because you know for a fact that you're going to talk to him one way or another.

Following him out of the elevator, you ease your way into the never-before-seen building. You take in the interior, which definitely gives off a laboratory type of atmosphere. The whole place is covered in solid white. You bypass some people in clear glasses and white coats while taking notice of how some people glance at you.

You hurry to Jungkook's side.

"Alright, when you go inside, they're going to run a couple of tests on you. Just go inside, stay calm, and let them get this over with, so I never have to see you after this." Again, ouch.

He puts his hand onto a scanner, which checks his identity before the doors open inside the main lab.

After the doors open, you go in shock from the huge machine that sits in the middle of the room. Wires are connected to the black device, while a girl is laying down with a mask over her face.

"She's stuck," the same woman's voice you heard over the phone walks up to you both while gesturing to the girl on the table. The woman looks oddly familiar. "She's been inside the dream project for hours now. She won't wake up." She explains, sighing exhaustedly. "Anyway, we finally got some codes set, and we're easing her out of her dream slowly. Since she didn't want to wake up from her dream, her mind made sure to let her sleep. We've already removed the glasses and earbuds and begin reprogramming the system, so she should start waking up in a few hours."

"It won't be dangerous, right? Your team made sure all the codes were set right for her to wake up without her mind's consent?" Jungkook asks.

"Yes, she'll be fine. It was just a simple error," she admits and glances at you. "Anyway, so this is Y/N?"

You step up and smile at her.

"Hi," you mumble, reaching out your hand.

She returns the handshake.

"It's nice to meet you; I'm Renee." She explains and that makes your eyes widen. It suddenly hits you how she seemed so familiar now.

"You're from my dream," you say in almost a daze from seeing her.

"Yeah, I wanted to be included in the dream. We needed to test out different emotions within you to see what the individual could feel. Sorry if it was a little too much. We programed the dream within the glasses as a prototype before actually letting people willingly dream on their own." She glances at the girl on the other side of the room. "Apparently, we aren't ready for that step quite yet." She sighs.

"Follow me, I'll need to run some tests on you for future purposes." She quickly grabs your arm, pulling you further into the lab. "Don't worry. We won't hurt you." She giggles.

"You look a little worried. We'll just test your brain waves, along with your heart rate, and your breathing, then we'll take a DNA sample and draw some blood. Then you should be good to go."

"Here," she hands you a bottle of water. "We need a urine sample too."

You mentally sigh but keep a weak smile on your features, while Renee pulls you farther away from Jungkook.

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