⑨ | 𝘿𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙧𝙚

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The comfortable bed makes you stay still, not ready to wake up and start the day yet. You keep your eyes closed as long as possible until you eventually realize you can't go back to sleep. With your head in the pillow and your back facing the ceiling, you groan exhaustedly.

Shifting on the mattress, you turn your head and look to your left. Jungkook is nowhere to be found.

The spot beside you is left abandoned. You reach your hand out to touch where he was sleeping; it's cold.

You fully open your eyes, looking at the nightstand and seeing the clock, which reads 6:37 am.

Mentally sighing, you raise up in the bed. You yawn widely while trying to fully wake up.

Looking down at your body, you see you're still naked.

"Good morning," Jungkook's voice chimes in suddenly.

He walks up to the end of the mattress and leans his head against the bed pole, body wrapped in a black robe. Water trickles down his neck and past his toned chest, running lower down where the black cloth soaks up the rest. His long hair still has water dripping at the ends. He closes his eyes as if to take a break for a moment.

"I'm beyond exhausted," he parts his lips, sighing heavily. "You did this to me," he chuckles hotly.

He walks up to a black dresser, taking in his wet hair in the huge mirror, then suddenly grabs a small towel that was placed on the top of the wooden frame. He brings it to his head and towel dries his hair.

"I wanted to sleep in so badly," he admits, glancing at you in the mirror. "But work calls,"

You carefully listen to him but feel something is off.

"Did... did something happen last night?" The first words you speak come out a lot more quiet than you would've liked them to.

He suddenly turns to face you.

"Why? What do you remember?" He places the towel down, resting back on the dresser to focus on you.

"Well, I feel like something crazy happened... but I can't remember what..."

You narrow your eyes, trying to figure out what it is that exactly took place.

"I'll explain what happened after you take a shower. Someone will bring clothes when you're done. I'll be downstairs." Jungkook pauses, pointing to the door on the opposite side of the room.

"The shower is in there. Take your time," he gives a reassuring grin, then walks out of the bedroom and leaves you naked and alone on the bed.

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When you walked into the bathroom, the room seemed familiar, but you didn't know why. You've never seen this place before, so it confused you. You shrugged off your weird déjà vu and cleaned up instead.

Once you finished your shower, there was a white t-shirt and black shorts that were laying out on the bathroom counter along with pink, lace underwear. You smirk because he had the lace laid out for you.

Slipping on the clothes, you're grateful not to be completely naked anymore. You keep your hair down and walk downstairs.

To your surprise, a butler is waiting at the bottom of the stairs. He's dressed in black with his hair slicked back neatly.

When you make it down the steps, he politely introduces himself.

"Hello, Ms. Han; I'm Vernon. Pleased to make your acquaintance," he bows before you. "Please, follow me into the kitchen. Master Jeon is waiting for you." Vernon guides you through the white, living room and towards the back.

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