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Everything Jungkook's saying is so confusing. You don't understand what he means by having sex in whatever this project is.

"Wait, are we asleep now?" You carefully voice your thoughts, still unsure of exactly what he's saying.

To your clueless self, you feel him shake his head no.

"We're awake. I was speaking in terms of when we get to experience the next step together. So when we fully test out the project, we could be having sex all night without ever becoming tired through our shared dream..."

He stops talking for a minute as if to think. "It's hard to explain to someone who's just finding this out. Trust me, all in good time, it'll make sense." He drops the topic, moving your hair to the side and lightly leaving butterfly kisses along your tender neck.

Despite not understanding, your mind soon dismisses the urge to find out anymore. His gentle kisses ghost over the bruised hickeys from the night before. After not having sex for nearly a year, your body is craving to be touched.

Sex is somewhat like an addiction to you now. When you were with your ex, you enjoyed having sex because a part of you felt needed and loved. However, you strayed away from anything sexual until now, which isn't the best option considering your new sex drive is being controlled by your boss.

"Jungkook," you breathe when his hand starts to slide into your pants. "What about work," your voice comes out like a pant, feeling his fingertips brush over your clit.

"I can always come in an hour later... you know I don't have to answer to anyone."

Right before anything else can happen, a sleepy, messy-haired Jimin walks into the kitchen from a different door in the room.

You both immediately stop. You watch Jimin scratch his head and walk to the refrigerator, unbeknownst to the two of you who are in the room.

Jimin pulls out a gallon of milk, screwing the top off and gulping down the drink without a care. You sit on your boss's lap, wide-eyed.

"Mr. Park, could you please refrain from drinking my milk? Last time, you drank all of my banana milk, and may I remind because of that my day went terrible." Jungkook speaks up, causing Jimin to turn to both of you with huge eyes. Milk spills out of his mouth and runs out of his nose.

He slams the gallon of milk on the kitchen island, eyes teary. "It burns!" He cries, rushing to the sink and cleaning the milk off of his face, then he grabs a napkin to wipe away the rest.

You laugh on the inside, while Jungkook is throwing his head back with a hearty laugh.

"It's not funny!" Jimin pouts, holding his nose in pain from the burning sensation.

"I'm sorry, Jimin," you stand out of Jungkook's embrace and walk towards him.

You help him calm down until the burning disappears. You rub his back slowly until he's better.

"Thanks," Jimin mumbles softly, trying to regain his composure.

"Serves you right for drinking out of it. I mean, what kind of animal comes into someone else's house and drinks straight from the jug?" Jungkook's laugh turns into annoyance, clearly upset because this must have happened before.

"Hey, I can't help it! I was craving it!" Jimin defends, narrowing his eyes at his boss. "But I guess I wasn't the only one." Now, it's his turn to laugh at you both.

Jimin's eyes trail down to your neck, noticing the bruises on your skin; however, he doesn't comment on it.

"I might've been exhausted last night, but I heard everything. I did sleep right underneath your room." Jimin glances around you both with disgust. "You two just met..."

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