②③ | 𝙎𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩'𝙨 𝙊𝙪𝙩

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The night was nearing its end. Throughout the time that Jungkook and you spent with one another, you each learned new things that were clearly supposed to be hidden from everyone, secrets that you were both supposed to take to the grave.

But it was a date... and you were each drinking fancy drinks that the building had graciously offered.

So you thought nothing wrong about sharing these huge details with him because you needed him to know you, and you wanted to get to know him just as much.

You had told Jungkook about your childhood, thinking it would be easier to tell him now what your younger years were like. You exposed how you had to make excellent grades with your studies and how you were brought up to be a suitable wife for your future husband, which used to be a major plan in your father's eyes for the enlargement of his company. However, your mother canceled the engagement, stating that her daughter was not going to be used as a means for a business contract, and reluctantly, your dad shut up.

Jungkook was caught listening to every single word that passed from your lips. He wanted to learn everything that he possibly could from the girl in front of his very eyes.

You talked about Hoseok and how he was your best friend growing up in a shut-in home, explained how your parents weren't all that involved in your life, and eventually, the discussion turned to your ex, which was a topic you had no idea you would be chatting about tonight.

Nevertheless, Jungkook didn't grow bored or changed the topic; he just sat there and listened as if everything you had to say was more important than anything in this world to him.

After the talk about your ex, Jungkook apologized for how he acted back in his office weeks ago, stating that now he understands why you left that night. You didn't miss the way he tightened his jaw after you explained how the relationship ended by cheating. You never brought up Taehyung's name, and Jungkook never asked so that was a blessing because if you had said his name, you don't know if you would have been able to get the past off your mind for the rest of the night.

Later on, Jungkook started telling his truth. He began with how he was born and bred to be used for his father's industry. He wasn't a child made out of love... his mother was paid a fortune and was set for life after she had him. All his mother had to do was become pregnant with a son and hand him over to his father to raise and eventually, take over the company. That's all Jungkook was created for... money.

Jungkook stated how he never knew his mother and that he never had one. His father was always busy with work, so he could understand part of where you were coming from when mentioning how your parents don't play a huge role in your existence.

At the age of sixteen, Jungkook's father died. Cancer had taken over his weak body in the end, and Jungkook was left completely alone in this massive world. With no other relatives, Jungkook was lost in a sea full of his father's wealth to do with as he pleased. And much like a sixteen-year-old would, he spent a lot of it right off the bat.

Jungkook said he had drained well over three million from the bank account on random things that he now knew he never needed but just wanted because he was never allowed to have anything that turned him away from his true calling, which was his place as the head of Jeon Towers.

When the money began to flow slower, Jungkook knew he had to take his spot in the towers. However, no one on the top floor ever knew that Mr. Jeon had a son, which completely shocked Jungkook. So when the top members of the company did a DNA test and read Mr. Jeon's will, they all knew that this was legit. But the public had no clue about his father's passing, so it was best to keep up the appearance that the owner of Jeon Towers was still in good health and old like the media always heard of him to be.

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