⑧ | 𝘿𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢

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"Dead?" You bluntly repeat Jungkook's words. "You've got to be kidding me." The words leave your lips when no one answers you.

"I want an explanation," this time, Renee holds her head as if trying to remember something.

"Look, I'll explain everything in a minute. Let me fix her system. Jimin, the least you can do is take Y/N out of here. Explain the biggest part, while I repair what you did." Jungkook stands from the couch, starting to fix his dead... holographic friend? You didn't know what she was to him, and you also never thought you would ever say that sentence.

"Come on, Y/N," Jimin starts leading you back into the kitchen. His hands are full of the pizza boxes, while your mind roams with millions of thoughts.

"Can you get the light—"

As if already knowing what he's going to say, you flip on the kitchen switch.

The kitchen seeps into your view, brightly shining back into your eyes.

Jimin, in no hurry, starts grabbing out plates while also cleaning up his mess from earlier.

"So..." Jimin's voice wavers, trying to think of how to approach the subject. "Renee is Jungkook's old friend." Jimin starts.

You walk over and lean against the kitchen island, waiting for him to explain more.

"Well, she died ten months ago due to an accident. She got hit by a car on the road, and she was killed instantly. Jungkook always looked out for her, and she was an amazing friend to him, but when that happened, Jungkook lost himself for a while. All Jungkook had left was... memories of her." Jimin pauses, handing you a plate to eat the hot pizza, while he puts away the watermelon he was eating earlier.

"So... that's not technically his dead friend?" You become even more confused.

"It's not. She's gone, and he knows that, but for him to cope, he created a model in her image to help him. He inserted his memories of how she was in life and transferred them into a simulator, which led to her becoming a hologram. It's like you're talking to the old Renee sometimes, but it's not her. It scares me sometimes when he gets sentimental over it because she's dead, and what he created is not her and won't bring her back. It's all a mixture of memories that the hologram acts upon, so her freaking out just then was the code in the system breaking down from confusion of the situation." Jimin hands you a drink.

"So when she says she's scared, she really means she's confused. When she's mad, she needs to cool down her system. Tired, then she needs to be turned off for a while. That's how she was created, but our boss decided to alter her vocabulary and voice to suit his old friend. See, he was already working on this before she died, and she helped him with it, so I guess that's why it seems so lifelike, but that's all it is... a creation. Point being, this is also what the company is trying to currently sell." Jimin pulls out a few slices of pizza, biting into one without a care in the world.

"He's trying to prove that even though we lose our loved ones, they're still here or something like that. Honestly, I wouldn't buy it. The dead should stay where they belong and not be tampered with. No matter how much we miss them, we shouldn't interfere." Jimin seems to be the one making the most sense right now.

"So all those people trying to hurt Mr. Jeon?" You ask.

Jimin swallows a bite before speaking.

"They want it for themselves—"

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