⑦ | 𝙃𝙤𝙡𝙤𝙜𝙧𝙖𝙢

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After a few minutes of keeping your eyes closed, you raise up in the bed. You need to take a shower before sleeping. Even if you're exhausted, sleeping with sweat and other substances on your body is a no-go.

Not wanting to wake Jungkook, you slip out of the bed and head to the door that's built into the room in hopes of finding a bathroom on the other side. You tiptoe to the door and open it gently.

Luckily, your assumption is correct. A large bathroom rests on the other side. If you didn't want to wash yourself right away, you would gawk at how beautiful the bathroom is designed but that's for another time.

After spotting the shower, you walk up and turn the shower knob to the warm side.

Waiting for a few seconds, you test to see if the water temperature is just right.

Once the water is comfortable, you step into the shower and begin washing your body right away.

You grab a clean rag and a fancy bar of soap that looks like it's never been used, then wash over your stomach multiple times until the liquid is no longer evident on your body.

After cleaning your stomach, you wash every other part of your body until you're satisfied.

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Stepping out of the shower almost makes you a little dizzy, more than likely because the last meal you had was at lunch with Jimin and Jin, but you had sex instead of eating dinner... how clever.

You find yourself lost for clothes. You see your naked body in the fogged-up mirror, lightly seeing details left on your skin from your boss's touches. Grabbing a clean bath towel, you dry your body and wet hair.

When you're done, you notice another door is in the bathroom, so you decide to open it and see if there's anything inside to wear.

This time, since you're now clean and feel refreshed, you stare in shock from seeing his closet space; it's huge. Rows of different color shirts hang on a moveable clothing hanger, pants are placed on silver shelves underneath the shirts, and shoes are all paired together neatly, placed on a nice shoe rack.

'He really is Mr. Jeon,'

There's no other possible explanation if he owns this place. The job that he has right now could never grant him this much money to own all of this, including this mansion.

You step forward and grab a white, buttoned-up shirt to slip on for the night. After you put on the large shirt, you find a pair of black shorts to wear. Of course, you have to roll the shorts up until they can stay on your hips, but eventually, it works, even though it's a little loose on your waist. You make your way back into the bedroom where your boss sleeps peacefully. He hasn't moved an inch since you've left minutes ago.

Deciding to grab a bite to eat, you quietly make your way to the bedroom door, easing the door open and leaving the dark room. Surely he wouldn't mind if you had something to eat since you haven't eaten in hours.

You retrace your steps from earlier. Soon, you find your way back downstairs to the two living rooms. Coming down the steps, you take a right and walk into the brightly, colored room.

This time, all the lights are off unlike earlier when you passed by. However, there are tiny lights that are placed near the ground to see where you're walking.

The room is more heavenly appealing once stepping fully inside, even with the lights off. Massive sofas are placed on opposites sides of one another, while the ceiling has different colors that shift every few seconds around the corners of the room. The aqua, blue color changes smoothly to hot pink in a captivating motion.

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