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When you walked back into the apartment that day, Yoongi had jumped off the couch and ran straight towards you. He picked you up like you were some missing child who he was supposed to be watching but failed miserably.

He had cried, being so worried about you and apparently, the note that you left was never found, which was strange because you remember precisely where you put it and even what it said.

Hoseok had carelessly spanked you for running off, which honestly didn't faze you because it's Hoseok, but seeing Yoongi act this way was completely out of this universe because this could not be the same Min Yoongi who you're close with.

Namjoon wasn't as pleased. He was extremely pissed that you left without telling them, so he had stayed and waited until you returned to chew you out, and he did. But after he cussed you out for being so stupid, he hugged you tightly and admitted how he was glad that you were safe.

When you had asked where Jimin went, they explained that he left to go help look for you once realizing you were gone.

Hoseok soon called him and told him that you were back safe and sound. But still, something wasn't right because you could've sworn you wrote that note and left it behind.

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By now, it's already time for Jungkook to be here.

For the whole day and yesterday too, you begged Yoongi to let you go out again, claiming that you would do his laundry for a week if he didn't put up a fuss and let you leave peacefully.

You didn't want your date with Jungkook to be spoiled before it even happened by Yoongi's sour mood. But he relented and finally gave up, realizing that you were practically acting the sweetest that you could to him, and besides, what right does he have to come in between your happiness anyway? He doesn't, and he knew that.

So with a fatherly-like tone, he patted you on the top of your head and sent you out the front door. He told you to watch yourself and to call him if you were staying with Jungkook again tonight.

"Be careful, I don't think I can handle another panic attack if you go missing a second time." Yoongi sighs quietly with his shoulders lowering some, then Hoseok calls for him.

"Yoongi, Y/N will be fine. Now get in here and love me." Hoseok is quick to pull Yoongi inside while shutting the door behind him.

You giggle at the two, wondering if you could ever find a relationship like them in the future. It was too early to be expecting anything from Jungkook, especially considering how you both don't know a lot about one another. However, this date tonight was a step closer to that.

Quickly, you inspect your outfit before walking down the steps.

You wear a showy, short dress, colored in a beautiful, inky hue. Your high heels match with the coal shade, making your skin tone pop out smoothly with the curve of the nice-fitting fabric. You have your hair down, letting it fall behind your shoulders, while you wear intricate jewels that the light catches whenever exposed.

Tonight has a good feeling that radiates in the air. The chance of hope is uplifting and somehow calling your name. It's like a sign, telling you exactly that tonight would be great—perfect even.

A loud honk from a vehicle catches your attention over the railing of the walkway. You look out into the parking lot and see Jungkook standing out from the driver's door with a big grin.

You smile, hurrying down the steps to meet him.

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