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Everything has settled down by now. The stress from what happened doesn't bother you anymore.

Jin and Yoongi were sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole after tampering with people's memories and for trying to kill you and Jungkook.

Those two haven't bothered trying to appeal their sentences either because they know it won't work. They did this to themselves, and now they have to face the consequences for their actions.

Since then, almost everything has been smooth sailing.

Jungkook and you finally had a huge wedding for your family and friends to witness, which was special in so many ways. Your parents, even Namjoon, shed tears while listening to your vows for each other. It was a day you wouldn't soon forget.

As for everyone else, well, Hoseok and Namjoon still talked to one another occasionally, but Hoseok was still freaked out about what happened, so he still didn't come around a whole lot.

Jimin still has a crush on you, but at this point, it's more or less of a reason for him to make sure he always stays in your life. He wants to be there for everything for you and Jungkook, and he's an amazing, loving friend. You value him and your friendship dearly.

Taehyung, on the other hand, you never saw again after that. He left the city and set out to do bigger and better things after what happened. He didn't want that to be what everyone knew him as, so he decided to live how he wanted and be his own boss for a little while.

Now that didn't mean he wouldn't video call and send messages to Jungkook once in a while to let you both know he was doing good, but Jungkook still missed him a lot at times.

Your brother has finally found love. Namjoon found a sweet and cute woman who looks after him and his crazy behavior, just like your mother always said he would. He found her when he gave up on ever finding someone to love him, but fate surprised him.

As for yourself, you're greatly involved in your parent's lives and Namjoon's too as of this moment, and you don't see it changing any time soon.

Your father has retired from his business and decided to hand it over to Namjoon and you. You both are running a nice, family-built business. And though at times Namjoon and you butt heads when making big decisions about the company, you two always resolve it and figure out a solution that'll work.

Jungkook's lifestyle took a major turn. He was forced to give up the dream project to the government so that the creation could never tamper with other's minds again. It was sent to the military, so they would work on it and use it for weaponry if need be.

Besides that, he also stepped down from his business too. Instead of retiring though, he let Jimin take over Jeon Towers until he was ready to step back up, but Jungkook has never once brought up going back to work. He has millions in the bank and doesn't need to and so do you, but you would rather work alongside your brother because your father's business is important to the both of you.

You stand from the couch and stretch your arms high towards the ceiling in the living room. You're dressed in your comfortable pajamas, while Jungkook is next to you on the couch; he's dressed in a white, t-shirt and knee-length, black shorts, which look good on him.

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