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The morning had taken a major turn. Yes, you felt guilty for the remainder of the day, and yes, your bed is where you spent the rest of it.

Your emotions were all over the place, spiraling out of control like a wild bull when seeing the color red; it was intense.

Earlier on, Namjoon had quickly driven Jimin, then you, home. He had to keep pulling over or lower his eyes every time people were glancing at him at stoplights. He was hiding, so just the fact he was willing to do something so simple was huge in his terms; however, he didn't care because he knew you were upset, and he wasn't going to let his little sister walk home alone.

Even if Namjoon isn't in your life a lot, he makes up for it by being there when you need him most. He seriously was the best brother, even if you two make fun of each other all the time.

You huff, gently putting your arm over your eyes while trying to think through this mess with Jungkook.

Just as Namjoon had said, you couldn't do anything until Jungkook called. You didn't want to push him, but it was hard when that's all that has been on your mind since early this morning.

You knew you screwed up, and it weighed heavily on your mind. If you never would've met up with Taehyung, then you wouldn't have run out of his penthouse like some one-nightstand.

Looking back at how it transpired, it only turns worse. Jungkook was cuddling with you, arm wrapped around your waist so tightly in case you could've been swept out of his protecting embrace, but all you could do was want to leave for fear of what might be and how you could be hurt once more because of feelings.

The fact that you hurt him and nearly got him killed shakes your being harshly. You never meant for anything like this to happen. This was entirely an accident that you had no part of and wished that you could turn back time to fix the situation, but you can't and have to face this.

With an exhausted yawn, you finally turn on your side, falling asleep and somehow missing the way Jungkook's arms felt around you the night before.

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Two weeks went by without a word from Jungkook and thankfully, Taehyung too. You lived off your savings for the two weeks, staying at home and being out of Yoongi's way when he was working. You had a check sent in for the little work you did do for Jungkook and some for the two nights you spent together.

The more reality sank in, the worse it got. You started wanting to see Jungkook again, not just for apologizing but to see his beautiful face one more time. Days went on where you made sure your phone was charged to make sure that if he called, it wouldn't be dead.

By now, a part of you assumes that he lied about needing you to come in for the testing of the dream project, probably only telling you that, so you wouldn't start a scene. It made sense that he wouldn't call.

Two weeks went by with you doing absolutely nothing but occasionally cleaning the apartment, going grocery shopping, and spending a little time with Yoongi, which was fine and all, but you missed going to work and seeing familiar faces.

You think about how you've spent your two weeks while sitting on the couch and watching some show with Yoongi's blasting music in his ears next to you.

Suddenly, you decide to do something that you and Hoseok haven't done in years.

Taking out your phone, you dial both Hoseok and Jimin, telling them to come to your place for a spend the night party. It might sound cheesy, but sleepovers are what you and Hoseok always did if you were stressed about something because it always cleared your minds. Since Namjoon dropped Jimin off at his house, you and him exchanged numbers in case Jimin needs help with his work. Of course, you accepted. You could never resist the puppy eyes.

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Within an hour, Hoseok and Jimin both show up at your door, surprisingly with Namjoon in the back too.

"Don't look at me like that. I was coming to see how you were doing, and these two weirdos followed me up like creeps." Namjoon admits. "They said this was going to be a spend the night party." Namjoon almost groans out the words as if he wished he never would've sneaked out to check on you.

You smile, opening the door and letting all three boys in.

"The more the merrier, but if we run out of drinks, you'll have to go and get some more." You explain to Jimin as he steps through the door. You only hinted at him since he's a little mayhem creator.

He shyly nods, accepting the terms.

Yoongi stands up, coming over to Hoseok, and wraps his arm around his shoulder. He lovingly relaxes into the crook of his neck.

"I've missed you," Yoongi whispers, not at all caring if any of you could hear.

"Yoongi," Hoseok whimpers embarrassed, almost moaning out his name, but before anything else can happen, Namjoon steps into the apartment and starts up a conversation to break away the sexual tension.

"Okay, so what are we doing first?" Namjoon rubs his hands together, glancing at the food on the kitchen table, the movie pile, and even the gaming consoles that are set up. It's like as soon as he saw how cool this night was going to be, he didn't care anymore.

"Wow, look at all those video games." Jimin chimes in with amazement. "So cool!"

You giggle, softly easing the two boys into the room with the couple staying a ways back to say soft words that only they could hear.

"How about we play some games and eat?" You begin, handing the two a couple of beers to get started. "We have all night; it is Friday after all." You notice how the sun is starting to set outside through the blinds.

Both boys quickly take the drinks, popping the caps off and taking a big swig.

"Yes, I haven't had a night like this in a while," Namjoon says contently.

You roll your eyes but smile happily because maybe this was also something Namjoon needed too.

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Three hours pass by fast, and everyone is halfway drunk except for Yoongi who just chills with Hoseok sitting on his lap.

Then suddenly, Hoseok blurts something out, which catches you all off guard.

"Hey, why don't we play spin the bottle?" He looks over at everyone with happy eyes. "Come on, I haven't played this game since I was a teen."

"The only girl here is my sister. I'll just sit this one out, but you can have fun." Namjoon admits, laying down on the couch while putting a magazine over his face to sleep. He always did that when he was about to rest well.

And before you know it, the coffee table is being moved, and almost everyone is sitting down in a circle with a bottle laying in the middle. Of course, Jimin, Yoongi, and you all stare at the bottle, wondering how this ever popped into Hoseok's mind.

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