④ | 𝘽𝙖𝙗𝙮 𝘽𝙤𝙮

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The room goes silent after his confession. His comfortable smirk grows when your mind tries to come up with a response.

"Wait, but everyone knows that Mr. Jeon's office is on the very top floor." You look at him confused, wondering why he's sprouting such lies.

"You don't believe me?" He chuckles the words, stepping back and leaning against the edge of his desk. "Well, let me ask you this then, Ms. Han. Have you ever seen him?" He puts his hands in his pockets, waiting for your answer as if he has all day to waste.

No one ordinary has ever seen Mr. Jeon before. It's always been rumored that he's older and works alone in his office. Even after getting this job, you've never met him or heard of others running into him either.

"Telling by your reaction, I say you haven't." He rocks his neck from side to side. "My true identity is only known by a handful who work on this floor. That's why my floor is so special. I have people here that know I own both towers, and they suck up big time because they're so afraid of getting fired." He pushes himself off the desk, taking a few steps closer to you.

"I am Mr. Jeon. If you don't believe me, then you can always go ask Mr. Park. I'm sure he wouldn't mind letting you in on my little secret." He grins.

"I will; I'll ask Jimin. But if what you're saying is true, then why hide who you are to everyone else?" You narrow your eyes, trying to piece together his motive.

"That's my business. You can leave now. We can pick up where we left off tomorrow—"

"No, I don't want to do things like this here." You cut him off.

You're upset by what happened earlier. This is a job, not a love hotel.

"Oh? And since when are you calling the shots, baby doll?" He looks at you amused.

You smirk up at him, already expecting his smug confidence; however, you have confidence of your own that you don't mind showing off too. You take one step closer and slide your hand over his covered chest.

"Since I control when I spread my legs, baby boy." You wink at him, seeing him tense from your boldness.

His frozen position makes you wonder why. Either he's turned on or just in shock that a woman is besting him at his own game. But either way, he's going to have to suck it up when it's your turn to play.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" You giggle, placing a soft kiss on his neck.

You pull back, leaving behind a hint of your red lipstick.

"Here's what I propose," you begin gently, letting your soft voice reach only his ears. "Anytime out of work, we can do whatever you'd like, but when I'm here, I'm working, and I don't have time to fuck my boss." This time, you watch his Adam's apple move.

You turn around, starting to leave his office, but you whisper a few more words to him before you go.

"Oh, and Mr. J?" You call back sweetly.

He looks at you, eyes dark from your confidence. He stays silent, waiting for what you have to say next.

"Don't touch me without my consent. If you want this to work between us, you get my approval first." With that, you leave your boss behind.

The look on his face is all you needed to know how stunned he was. Mr. J is the type of man that gets everything he wants; however, you won't just willingly do what any man says. You're your own boss, and if he can't respect that, then you'll just have to find another job without the help of your father this time.

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