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It's dark and wet outside. The slippery streets line down the city with very few people out around this time. You and Jimin share the small umbrella, easing beside each other so that you wouldn't get soaked from the now pouring rain.

After walking for about twenty minutes, you make it to the store.

Walking inside, you shake off the water on the umbrella and unfold it. You carry your umbrella with you, while you each go around the store and pick up some more booze before you head back.

Suddenly, while walking through the aisle, you slip, but Jimin quickly catches you just in time before you can fall to the ground.

He holds you like that for a few seconds, a tiny blush spreading across his cheeks.

You don't say anything, only thanking him for saving the disaster that could've been.

He grins, helping you stand on your own two feet again.

After grabbing the drinks and paying for them, you both start walking back to the apartment. However, it starts raining a little too hard, so you both have to hide in an alleyway underneath a sign to keep from becoming completely soaked.

"It doesn't look like it's going to let up any time soon." You tell him when the rain begins beating against the ground harshly.

Jimin shakes his head, agreeing with your words but never speaking for himself. This is when you can't take how he's been acting anymore and face him.

"Jimin, is there something on your mind?" You ask, finding how his eyes go big after you say this.

"It's nothing," he admits, trying to wave off the topic, but it was obvious by the look in his eyes that it was something.

"Jimin," you say his name sternly, wanting him to tell you what's making him act this way.

He sighs.

"... I had a dream," he starts, resting his head against the red brick of the building you both are standing beside. "I had a really good dream, and you were in it." He glances over at you. "But it was so weird... there's no way it could've been a dream from the project, but instead... it felt like... déjà vu." He explains, becoming more confused than ever.

"I mean, Jungkook told me back a while ago that you were the only person to ever test out the project... so how could I just willingly have a dream so real like that? It felt like it had something to do with the project, but I've never been in the project before... but the dream somehow felt connected to our company's product." He narrows his eyes, trying to figure out what any of this means.

"Well, what happened in the dream?" You ask, causing his cheeks to burn a fire-like red.

"Uh," he rubs the back of his neck, swallowing hard. "In the dream, we had sex. But that's the strangest part... I've never seen you in that way before, and it felt too real." He blushes after telling you.

You smile.

"Oh honey, that was probably just a wet dream. Sometimes when we sleep, our dreams can feel insanely real." You pat him on the shoulder, seeing how the rain is starting to let up. "I'm glad you told me. I was worried about why you were acting so strange around me. Now I know, so we can head back." You ease him onto the street, a grin plastered onto your face because now you know that nothing bad happened but a dream that has been making him act this way.

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The night went by much smoother. Of course, you and Jimin didn't say much after you both got back. You two just played some games, commenting on how fun it is at times.

The rest of the night flew by, and now everyone is asleep—well, all except for you, of course. You couldn't sleep. You glance around the room, seeing everyone fast asleep in their own space.

Yoongi and Hoseok took the small couch, snuggling with one another. Hoseok is in Yoongi's arms, resting on his shoulder, while Yoongi is resting against the armchair. You smile softly from the sweet sight. Namjoon's still on the big couch, legs hanging over the armrest on the other side. Jimin is knocked out beside you while taking the floor too. You both share a large blanket. You grin at him too but find yourself looking up at the ceiling once more as your smile fades.

Not being able to stay in the same spot any longer, you gently stand up and walk outside for a few minutes to yourself. Opening the apartment door, the chilly air hits your exposed body. The grey, short shorts, and black tank were not helping at all. It's not too cold though, so you deal with it while trying to ease your mind.

You shut the door, walking to the railing and breathing in the night air to enjoy the moment alone.

While your eyes are closed, they begin opening when your phone suddenly goes off inside the apartment. You quickly open the door and grab the phone off the small table next to the entrance and shut it again. You're thankful that the sound didn't wake any of them.

You answer the call, voice hoarse from lack of talking for the past hour.

"Hello?" You say.

"This is Y/N, right?" A woman's voice comes over the other line.

You gulp, glancing down at the screen and seeing it's from an unknown number.

"Yes," you say back with unease.

She breathes almost like a sigh of relief from your response.

"That's the best news I've heard all night." She says truthfully. "I work at the lab with Mr. J. Are you the girl that tested out the project?" She asks.

You answer right away.

"I am,"

"Well, great. I hope it's not too late, but if you're free now, could we pick you up? We need to run some tests because we've found an unexpected error." She breathes sharply, waiting impatiently for your reply.

"I'll be ready whenever you get here." You explain, giving her your address before hanging up and walking back inside your apartment.

Quietly walking to your bedroom, you begin searching for some decent clothes to put on before you go out.

You put on a long, t-shirt, some comfortable pants, and a pair of shoes while also grabbing a jacket. You write a note on the kitchen counter for them in case you weren't back before morning, so they wouldn't be worried.

Walking outside again, you lock the door and see a vehicle pull into the small parking lot in front of your apartment complex.

You rush down the metal stairs, hurrying to the passenger side of the car where the window is rolling down.

Suddenly, on the other side of the window shows Jungkook in the driver's seat.

"We can talk on the way there,"

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