② | 𝙇𝙖𝙘𝙚

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Without wasting another moment, you shake out of your frozen position and flee from the room as fast as you possibly can.

You shut the door back and quickly walk away from his office. Your poor heart hammers in your chest the whole walk back to your cubicle.

Deciding it's best to distract yourself, you begin unpacking your things and set up your new desk; however, your attempts are fruitless because you can't stop thinking about what you just witnessed.

It's not like you're a virgin. You know what sex is and have done it before. In your last relationship, you and your ex had a healthy sex life, but you also did a little more than other couples would.

Seeing your boss just then, brought back memories that you needed to forget about. You wouldn't lie; you sometimes missed the rough sex you used to have with your ex, but now it's over, and it needs to stay that way.

You look up from your cubicle, staring at the door to your new boss's office as if stuck in a trance because you know what's going on inside.

"Are you okay?" You flinch from your spot and spin around in your chair to see Jimin with a container of coffees.

"You scared me, Jimin." You admit with a tad of embarrassment for being so jumpy.

"Sorry," he scratches the back of his head shyly. "I wanted to ask if you're feeling sick from being out in the cold rain. Anyway, I got you some coffee, so I hope that will make up for scaring you." He hands you a small cup. "I wasn't sure what you liked, so I ordered you an Americano from the cafeteria." He sits down in his rolling chair.

"Thank you, but I'm perfectly fine. I'm just a tad nervous I guess." You admit kindly.

You then raise an eyebrow at him while sipping your warm coffee. "Aren't you supposed to give that to our boss?" You point to the extra coffee that's left in the brown cup holder.

"Uh... well, you see our boss is a little busy right—"

"You fucking jerk! You're only using me for my body!" The woman you saw earlier comes marching out of his office, buttoning up her vibrant, red top as she yells at him.

Jimin and you turn to see the commotion like all of the other employees do. Some ignore it like it's an everyday occurrence.

Mr. J walks out of his office, walking up to the pissed-off woman. He grabs her chin, forcefully making her eyes meet his.

"Babe, you're not even my type," he chuckles seductively first, then pokes his tongue against his cheek as if annoyed. "Call me desperate for a quick fuck. Now, get out," he tilts his head towards the elevators. "You're disrupting my workplace." Mr. J lets go of her chin, eyes narrowing down at her when he shoves his hands into his pants pockets.

She blushes red with embarrassment, then brings her hand up high and slaps him hard across the face. "You're a pig," she spins around and stomps to the elevator to leave.

Mr. J waits until she's in the elevator, then chuckles cockily as if he got turned on from her slap. Soon enough, he turns around to go back inside his office.

Everyone goes back to work once he shuts his door, jumping right back to their specific task this early in the morning.

You turn to Jimin. "Mind if I take him his coffee? I need to introduce myself properly." You ask hesitantly.

"Sure. Although I wouldn't stay too long... you saw what just happened. He gets aggravated when things like that happen on his floor." Jimin hands you Mr. J's coffee, starting to turn on his computer when you get up from your seat.

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