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Short trailer available on YouTube @Exoticxrose ;) go check it out!

Miracle deveraux

Kind, forgiving, caring, smart and overall an amazing person. One of the nicest people anyone could get the pleasure of knowing.

But she struggled to believe any of this, with each day that past. She thought she was: Annoying, incompetent, worthless, an attention seeker. Replaceable.

You see she was always a happy girl growing up until coming towards the end of middle School. In the beginning of 7th grade is when the torment began.

Physically and mentally. She grew up disabled. She had cerebral palsy.

(Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of disorders that affect a person's ability to move and maintain balance and posture. CP is the most common motor disability in childhood. Cerebral means having to do with the brain. Palsy means weakness or problems with using the muscles.)

She was able to walk around on her own, but she as others described "looked crooked" while she walked.

She went to a public school most of her youth "Not alot of people understood." her mother and siblings told her when there was an issue.

Well mostly her mother did. Most times when there was a "problem at school" her brother and sister kept threatening to beat them up.

After years of bullying and mental torture. She spoke to her mother, about a transfer for her last year of school. She withdrew from telling her mother the full truth as to why she wanted to transfer, in fear that it would only cause more problems.

She also begged her mother to not let the principal know the reasoning behind her sudden leave. So she changed schools.

The new one being an all-inclusive school children of all shapes and sizes, disabilities and all. With all this knew information about the school and its inhabitants: she assumed everything would be okay. She couldn't have been more wrong.

The bullying worsened the normal kids aswell as the disabled picked on her. She was beaten threatened trough social media and in and out of the educational complex.

This went on for the rest of her the year until ultimately she graduated middle school and went to high school fortunately for her; Her mother got a promotion, so the entire family relocated to another state.

High school was exactly what she thought it was: a living hell. Yeah she had friends but, she could see that they were just using her. She knew they were going around and talking behind her back.

Miracle's only true friends were her two best friends; Angelica and Lucious. As she grew up: She never saw herself falling in love or being in any relationship to be honest. Although she did have a tiny crush on her best friend Lucious, she'd never share it.

It was true; she did admire her bestfriends relationships with their significant others. Dreaming to share that type of affection with someone. But she knew it was and always will be just that.

A dream.

Mathias de Luca

Rich kid, spoiled, lacrosse player, popular guy. Man whore personified. One of the biggest assholes you could ever come across.

But what few failed to realize that he was more than that yes he was still kind of an asshole. Yet, he wasn't spoiled everything he got he had earned. He cared not for his popularity or what people thought, his eyes were set on living life to make his deceased mother proud.

He was top of his class (except the three that he shared with Miracle.) Yes he was rich but he never used that as his advantage unlike some of his other wealthy teammates.

He and his father weren't always close but they started drifting apart more when his mother died in a car accident.

This was seven years ago. His father was recently remarried to Lucious Wright's mother: Head of the school board.

He and his mother didn't always see eye to eye on things but they were still extremely close. When she died; he started having panic attacks and nightmares about the night in question.

Her passing hit him so hard he feared he'd never get trough the immense grief but after seeing the help he got from his friends and a very good therapist by the name of judith Bane.

He was able to move on and his night terrors dissipated, mostly, after two years of therapy. Sadly, he was still haunted by them at times. Though for the most part he was doing fine.


He recently started (she'd hardly ever been to Lucious' house.) seeing a certain dark haired girl, who he caught sight of, wandering around his home quite often recently and he was a bit intrigued by the introverted-female with whom he realized he shared a few classes with.

After some days of seeing her get picked up by his stepbrother and his other bestfriend Angelica. He noticed that she was being harrassed at school by some of the other jocks and cheerleaders.

Even some other students standing in the sidelines were getting involved in the teasing. He tried stepping in but it was being handled by Lucious and Angelica.

Half the time he just ignored the culprits when they tried to indulge in a conversation with him. Others he just snapped at, putting them in their place.

Which in turn resulted in him being accused of  liking her. He just denied it his excuse whenever he was faced with this question was "You guys were being dicks just lay off her, alright?"

But in reality there was something about the girl that intrigued him, but he was yet to figure out what.


So guys this is the new book I've been working on for a while I didn't know if I should've ever wrote it but this book means alot to me so I hope you love it aswell!

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