Chapter Twenty-two

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So let me make this clear: Miracle has Phobe Tonkins face but a body like what was shone above. Her hair is curly but not hair that is curly like this.  ^


Miracle's POV

After my confession yesterday, I think I got a deeper level with my friends. Letting it out to them helped me more than I could've imagined. I walked off of that roof free. I left with everything off my chest, it was a relief to say the least. I felt like — I could finally breathe.

"Ma! Come on let's go." I said dragging my mother out of her room. We were in our bathing suits. "Alright alright!" She murmured walking in front of me. We walked outside and I looked around. I saw everything I needed right now.

My family. There was my sister and brother, my sister-in-law, my nephew and my mother. There was just one person missing. Don't get me wrong, I'm disgusted by what my father did, but, at the same time. He's still my dad, and I still love and miss him.

Before I knew it, I was being lifted off the ground. No, no, no! "Maddie put me down!" She looked up at me with a smirk. "You sure?" I yelled at her that I was — Instantly regretting it. "No, no, no. I'm not ready I'm not re—" I tried to yell, but alas, it was too late. My body collided with the surprisingly warm water.

She. Dropped. Me. Into. The. Pool.

I sunk about two feet in when I caught myself wondering why I wasn't up for air yet. I swam up for air, probably looking crazy with the way my hair was stuck to my face. When I got up every one was laughing. Even seven was giggling. "Auntie Mira, looks silly." He said pointing at me. Maddie laughed crossing her arms over her chest, a smug expression laying comfortably on her features. "That she does hon. That she does."

I huffed, pushing the hair out of my face. I'll get you for this Mads. I swear I was squinting my eyes so hard, I thought my eyes would get a cramp. Trying to focus on something else. I looked over at my mother who was laughing uncontrollably at my expression. "Ma!" I grumbled. "Sorry-baby-I-I" she said in between laughs. I just huffed and swam around for a little.

Soon Selene suggested that we play chicken fight. So I chose Selene as my partner. Maddie chose Zavian, and mom stayed on the shallow end with Seven. "Your going down Mads." I said from on top of Selene. She just rolled her eyes muttering 'As if.' I bit back a smirk. You see lower body strength wasn't really my forte, nor was it my fifty. Don't even think about asking if it's my sixty.

But upper body strength was my thing. I could punch, slap or choke. (If needed.)  Harder than my mother, sister and sister in law. I have been told by my brother numerous times that I hit him alot harder than some of his fairly strong male friends.

I've also heard (repeatedly) that if it weren't for my legs, I'd be able to kick anyone's ass at school or some people I use go to school with.

So I could win, but Maddie is stronger so it'll make things a bit difficult.

It was a tough competition, but in the end I won. I suppose it was because of my drive to pay Maddie back. "Pay back is bitter sweet isn't it?" I muttered as she wiped the hair out of her face. She just rolled her eyes and swam away from me. I swam over to my mother and Seven to check on them. "Hey momma. Hi baby." I said kissing Seven repeatedly all over his face. "Hi, baby." She greeted.

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