Chapter Twenty-six

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Dedicated peekaboo0406

Mathias' POV

After the principal retrieved us, Jace was sent to the hospital and Luce and I were excorted to the principal's office where: Lucious' Mother, the Vice principal Mrs. Louis and the secretary Mrs Charles were waiting. Just from the look on Lilith's face I could tell she wasn't happy - but what sane parent would be in this situation?

When Lucious and I walked in, we entered with no shame. Our actions were justified- so why be sorry for them? The only thing I felt bad about was breaking my promise to Miracle, causing her to be upset. I felt no remorse for Jace, I broke my fists and got a little roughed up, but overall I was fine. Thankfully, Luce was aswell.

To me: nothing I did was wrong and I will stand by it, I cared not weather the consequences were severe. I sat in the chair next to Lucious - the chair furthest from my Stepmother.

Sorry Luce. It had to be done.

The principal sat in his office chair, tucking himself into the desk in front of him. Resting his hands on the desk, he let a brutally extinguished sigh brush past his lips. "Mr Wright, Mr De Luca. What caused you both to react that way towards Mr Cooper?" I rolled my eyes at the mention of Jace. My lips parted with the intent to speak - but I was cut off by Lucious. "He deserved it." He spoke, cutting me off.

The principal kept pressing the question as to why he deserved it. But Luce refused to disclose that information. "No disrespect Sir, but, I know you're going to suspend us, so let's get to the chase already yeah?" He said, the principal obviously saw that he wasn't going to get it out of him. Besides, Luce wouldn't let me say anything: so he let us go. And by let us go I mean he suspended us for three days.

On the drive home Luce was especially quiet. He hadn't appeared to have been contemplating anything, but I could clearly tell something was on his mind. Lilith was also unusually silent. The quietude that had taken over wasn't exactly awkward, but it bothered me to no end.

I looked over at Lucious, contemplating whether or not to do it. After thinking more on the matter I decided to go with it. I tapped him on the shoulder, calling out to him. My stepbrother hadn't answered the first time: so I tried again."Lucious?" I called out once more. This time, he heard me - shifting his head in my direction.

He hummed as a signal to me that he was listening. "Why didn't you tell him?" I asked. It'd been bothering me since we left the office just a few moments ago. He was silent for a few minutes deciding whether he wanted to continue to be reticent. He sighed, running a hand through his dark brown hair. "We'll talk about it later, yeah?" He insisted, causing me to meekly nod my head.

We all walked into the house, my stepmother went straight into the kitchen. When she got there, as soon as we were close enough to her, she summoned Lucious and I to requesting for us to join her.

She stood on the other side of the kitchen island looking at Luce. She stared at him for a few seconds before dropping her head, letting a breath be pushed past her lips. "What is it, hon. What did he do?" She said looking at him. Luce looked down at his palms, as if they were the world's most alluring thing. He shook his head. "It doesn't matter." He disregarded the topic as though it never came up at all. She scoffed, slamming her hand on the table.

"Bullshit. Your my son, you don't think I know you? You would never get in a fight for 'nothing' - There's only two other people besides me you'd lash out like that for." She spoke, raising her voice. She was getting irritated by something."It can't be Angelica because whatever it was that needed to be handled already has been, and Mathias was involved so.. - It was about Miracle, wasn't it?" She said looking at her son, who yet still - hadn't moved his gaze off his fingers.

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