Chapter Eight

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Miracle's POV

It's been three weeks since the date with Mathias, and we've gotten closer as the time progresses. I've even went to a couple games. He was really good. I mean yeah the Captain has to be good to be the captain but, he was just different when he played.

More focused like a switch went off in his brain whenever he was in a game. He's took me out on more dates. But, they were more comfy and cute dates, than romantic and elaborate ones. Most times it was us just relaxing and binging on Netflix.

Surprisingly a few of them even evolved the group all together watching a movie, having a game night or just hanging out. The group consists of my friends and his. A few who have recently became my friends.

But, out of all the guys Tyler and zach were closest to me. They considered me, a little sister and I considered them like my brothers or other best friends. (I wouldn't let Lucious know that though. You know with him being possessive about his position as male bestfriend.)

He claims that it would be "Cheating on him." if I were to give another male the title of "Best friend." So I just keep my mouth shut.

It's for the best.

Also we got an A, on the group assignment! I was currently on my way to class when I was blinded by what felt like...Fingers? "Tyler?" I quizzed. "Guess again, baby." A husky voice quipped. "Hey cap," I said grinning. The tools used to blind me were finally removed and I was once again capable of seeing.

"What're you doing wandering all on your lonesome?" Mathias questioned looking around for Lucious and Angelica. "I was just walking to class." I let out, honestly. He hummed, looking behind me. Only to see that no one was behind me.

He then pressed his lips to mine, taking me by surprise. After a few seconds, I overcame my shock and began kissing him back. We pulled away after a bit to get some air.

After we caught our breath, he pulled me in and captured my lips once more. "Mathias..
people are staring." I said into the kiss. "And I care about this, why?" He said grinning a little. I smiled against the kiss.

"Come on, captin. I gotta go to class." I mumbled against his lips. "Aww. You guys are so cute!" An annoying high pitched voice said bitterly next to us. "What do you want, Katey?" I asked, venom lacing my tone. "Nothing. I just wanted to let you know you're wasting your time."

She said looking at me, but she was speaking to Mathias. She then walked up to him and whispered something in his ear before walking off. Gyrating her hips while doing so. "What did she tell you?" I asked looking up at him.

"Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about." He said kissing my forehead. "Babe.." He shook his head no. I sighed, and he offered to take me to class. I agreed and we were off to my class.

My mind still focused on what Katey might've said.


"Just like that?" Lucious' eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Well she's a bitter bitch. So in my opinion; She just needs to be ignored, until she does something we can use as an excuse for kicking her ass into next week." Angelica said as we all walked to the parking lot.

Lucious pulled me into a side hug giving me a kiss on the forehead. "She's just lucky I'm not a girl. I Iwould've dismantled her face a long time ago. Fuck an alibi." He said unlocking his car doors, before opening the front door for me. "She's a bitch and a bully that should be enough of an excuse." He ranted.

As the drive commenced we all chatted about our plans and then we ended up getting hungry so we stopped at Dairy Queen. We all ordered and waited. As soon as we got our food. We dug in. With all three of us being the massive foodies we were.

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