Chapter One

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Miracle's POV

I was walking down the stairs to go to my next class when I was confronted by them. "Going somewhere, Mistake?" Sydney said flanking Katey's right. I rolled my eyes and tried turning around. But found that Amara was right behind me.

"What do you guys want?" I asked. "You got us suspended. You need to suffer the consequences." Amara laughed pushing me to the wall. They all laughed sickly. Amara landed the first blow. She kicked me in the stomach. I groaned my hand reflexively going to my stomach.

I didn't want give them the satisfaction of seeing me in pain, so I kept my expression stoic. Burying the pain deep inside. They knew they couldn't do anything major since we were still in school.

I just hope I'll be able to take the damage. Fudge, I hate this. The fear that had always desolved any confidence I felt while around them. I knew I could fight back, but that would only make things worse. As of right now:

I couldn't allow it to come to that. So I just took the pain.

Katey settled for banging my head against the wall multiple times.

I had an extremely painful ache at the back of my head. "Think twice the next time you feel like saying anything to Mr. Holland, bitch." Said Sydney, she then kicked me in the head making it fly back and hit the wall. I blacked out seconds after. The last thing I heard being the girls snickers.

Lucious' POV

"Where the hell is she? She was supposed to be here ten minutes ago." Angelica said getting worried. Miracle was missing I had even heard from her Spanish teacher Mrs. Santiago that she missed her class.
Something was up and I didn't like it at all.

I told Ang about my thoughts and we walked out of the school to go look for her. We took the stairs to go see if she was up there. When we got to the second flight of stairs. We found her laying unconscious on the stairs.

"Miracle!" Angelica screamed. She examined her face picking her uper body off the ground. I picked her up and began to make my way the nurses office. When we got there, the nurse immediately began looking around frantically for her things.

"What happened?" She asked, shaking Miracle's shoulders in an attempt to get her up. "We don't know. We found her this way." I said my voice shaking, as I looked at my bestfriends unconscious body. "I have an idea and I'm going to do something about it." Ang said walking out of the room.

Why the hell did the nurse not try to stop her?

I saw no point in trying to stop her she was going to do it, even if I did manage to delay her. Also if I was being honest;

I didn't want to stop her.

Angelica's POV

I stomped my way across the cafeteria till I was at their table. Katey looked up at me with a what-the-fuck-do-you-want, face.

Ou, this bitch had it coming for a while.

I walked around to her table, as she kept her eyes on me warily. I grabbed her ponytail and pulled it back making her look into my eyes. Her brows shot up, but before she could react.

I slammed her head into her mashed potatoes. I rubbed it in a bit before pulling her head back up. "You, bitch!" She said, baffled. I  picked up her water, took the tap off and poured it all over her face. She squirmed like a worm on a hook. Yet my grip on her hair never loosened.

When the water was done serving it's purpose. I slammed her head into the table. By now, her friends had snapped out of whatever trance they were trapped in and both made a move to attack me.

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