Chapter Twenty-one

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Miracle's POV

*That's the gift.*

Mathias and I had spent the rest of our anniversary with him giving me my gift which was a cute outfit Angelica help him pick out. All in my favorite color. I was in love.

He even paid for me to do my hair and nails.

I was putting on the earrings last when I heard a knock at my door. "Come in!" I said to whomever was at the door. "Hey sis. You ready?" Tyler asked from the left of me. "Yeah just.." I said grabbing my phone off the dresser. "Let's go." I said to Tyler. He nodded, complimenting me on my look.

I mumbled a thanks and we walked downstairs. While he held my hand to ensure I didn't trip, I could make out my mother's retreating figure. I walked down quickly, almost tripping. Tyler scolded me about taking my time and I just nodded, partially ignoring him. I walked up to my mother and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Bye momma." I said, smiling at her. She returned my smile and kiss telling me to have fun.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay with you?" I asked her. I was skeptical about leaving her alone. I had hardly spent time with my mom since Mathias and the others came around. I was beginning to feel incredibly guilty. "I'll be fine. We can always have a mother daughter day Tomorrow alright?" She persuaded kindly. This is why I loved my mother.

All she cared about was seeing me happy, even if it ment I'd not be around sometimes. She tried her best to be understanding. "I promise. I'll even ask Maddie and Zavian to come. We can have some fun with Seven too if you're up for it?" She smiled happily kissing my forehead.

(It looked funny cause my mother is actually shorter than I am.) "That would be great. Now go on! Your friends are waiting." She said, pushing me lightly. "You look gorgeous by the way hon." She said, walking off before I could thank her. I then started rushing towards Tyler who was standing by the stairs. Probably listening to the entire conversation. "Your really lucky, you know? To have a mom like that." He said dreamily.

Tyler's mother had left him and his brother when he was young. That's why he longs for a relationship with a woman. Someone who would care for him. Love him. Not abandon him. That's why he was never really seen with a girl other that as a sex buddy. It doesn't excuse the fact that he possibly hurt a lot of feelings. But it explains why he did, what he did.

"I know." I said silently looking back at the space my mother once occupied. Tyler's mood seemed to dampen at my statement. When he saw that I noticed, he tried to cover it up with a smile. A smile fueled by faux happiness. I grabbed ahold of his hand gently, offering a smile. "I love you Tyler. And I'll always be here for you okay. Always." I said to him genuinely.

He wrapped his arms around me and his voice cracked a bit. "I love you more. Thank you Mira."

"What are little sisters for?" I said relaxing into his warmth.

We stayed that way for a little until we decided it was time to let go. The gang's probably questioning if we died or something. We walked out of the house after Tyler composed himself.

We were all in a Griffin's mini-van. It was the only way we could all fit in one car. Everyone was here, even Jace. Mathias and some of the guys still weren't cool with what he did, but decided to put it aside.

When we got in the car, everyone started questioning why we took so long to which we just replied with:

"Wardrobe malfunction."

I sat at the back with Lucious, Angelica and Mathias. Mathias had me sitting in his lap. His head was placed in the croak of my neck. "Thanks for doing that for him. He really need it." He said into my neck. His hot breath sending a shiver down my spine.

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