Chapter Eleven

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Mathias' POV

I had my arms wrapped around Miracle's waist as we walked though the store. There was a school dance coming up, and I had every intention of taking her with me. Our relationship has grown over the time we've spent together. Including the period where we were just friends. It's been three months since the bet had been made.

We've been dating for two months and seven days, and the guilt getting to me. She's an amazing person. The most genuine human being I've ever met. But here I was lying to her. Every. Single. Day. All because I didn't have the balls to face the inevitable fact that I was falling for her. That there was nothing, I wasn't willing to risk, just to keep her with me.

I'm a terribly selfish person, I'm aware.

The closer we got, the more I dreaded the day she'd finally find out. It was drawing closer and closer to Christmas. Hence, the reason for the dance. I was recently told, that she's going to her mother's home country for the holidays. I was hoping to spend it with her but, I guess not.

"Hey, cap?" She hollered. Breaking me free of my thoughts. I hummed in response, looking at the dress she was showing me. "I think I'll go with this one. Maybe these shoes too." She gestured to the white tree-inch high heels, and the purple shiney dress. "Go try it on. Then I'll let you know, okay?" She nodded, walking in the direction of the dressing room.

I sat on one of the seats near the changing stall and waited. When she walked out doing her best to keep balance not to fall. I chuckled slightly and went to help her. I swirled her around and looked her over. "You look gorgeous, baby."

I loved it. It suited her. Purple was and always has been her color, though she looks stunning in anything. I kissed her and she pulled away after a while to change. She walked back out of the dressing room and we payed then left the store.

"Hey, babe?" I called. She hummed in reply. "Remember when you said, that you loved music?" She nodded, hesitantly. I asked her to sing me something. In hopes I'd learn something new about her. She sighed, then began.

"My daddy says that life comes at you fast, We are like blades of grass. We come to prime and in time we just wither away. And it all changes. My view with a looking glass won't catch the past. Only photographs remind us of the passing of days."

"Oh, nothing stays the same from yesteryears. See, I recall being afraid of the dark. And holding on to teddy bears." She smiled at me, while singing melodiously. Damn I could fall asleep to her voice.

"I'd wrap myself in blankets just to cover me from fears. That was then and now I'm here. And the night is mine." She finished the rest of the song and I had stopped the car somewhere along the way. I looked at her in disbelief, smiling. "Damn, baby. That was, awesome!" She smiled, shyly. "Thank you." She whispered. I nodded and started the car once again.


We got to school the next day. And as expected almost everyone was talking about prom. People were doing promposal's. Others decided not to go with a date(or not going at all) the rest had already been asked. That was the category Miracle and I fell into.

We did ours in private though. She never liked too much attention so I did it when we were by ourselves.

Or so I thought.

~FLASHBACK~ (last weekend)

I had been going around all week, planning and preparing to ask her. I bought her favorite chocolate and her favorite video game: streetfighter. We played for about an hour and a half, then moved on to free fire. She offered me to go against her. Me being the cocky mother fucker that I am said yes.

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