Chapter Twelve

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Miracle's POV

I sprinted to class, making it just in time. I walked to my usual seat next to Angelica in the back. When I sat down, Angelica looked ar me curiously. "What's up with you?" She asked smiling at my grin. "I think I just got myself into a bit of a bind." She looked at me smiling taking notice of my messy hair and a Cheshire grin spread across her face. I shook my head at what I knew were her suggestively wiggling eyebrows.

"Stop it!" I said covering my face with my hair. She just chuckled and muttered "Alright" I nodded and the teacher entered. "Goodmorning, Students." He said loudly enough that everyone heard. We all sent the same greeting bark to him and he leaned against his desk. "Is everyone excited for the winter dance tonight?" He asked, most kids cheered including Ang and I.

Class went on with him discussing just anything as soon as we all had done our homework there was nothing to do today. Class ended and we all dispersed as soon as we were out the door. It was lunch so we all made our way to the cafeteria. Luce met us ther then we got our food.

"So how was your little adventure with Mathias, in the bathroom." Luce asked popping a fry in his mouth. My eyes widened immensely at his words. I chocked on my food as thoes words tore from his throat. I avoided eye contact with him and Ang. They both bursted out laughing and I mumbled curses under my breath as they continued to tease me.

"You guys are mean." I said. They laughed a little more, before sobering up. We continued conversating for a while till lunch was done. We walked to our classes and said our goodbyes, when we got to my locker. As I retrieved my books, my mind wandered to what Katey said.

"Your nothing. Just worthless dysfunctional garbage that needs to be disposed. He can do so much better than you. You're not even that pretty. Your just a dumb whore."

I was so hurt by her words, they made me feel terribly about myself. But then he came and said thoes things.

"I see an amazing, brilliant, gorgeous and independent woman. I'm dating you because I love your company. I admire your selflessness, your kindness and your voice. It's like a melody I can never get tired of hearing."

I could tell that it was genuine. I smiled at the memory and walked to class looking forward to the dance.

School was out and everyone was rushing out of the school doors. I walked out last feeling somebody wrap there arms around me. I thought it was Mathias at first, but I was wrong. It was Oliver, Mathias' Best friend. "Hey sugar cube." He greets me, smiling. "Hi, Oliver. What's up?" I acknowledged him.

He  then began to blabber on, about how he had no date. "Well I guess, I'll just be you and Mat's third wheel. " He said walking out to his car and waving goodbye. I did the same and met Luce at his car. We waited for Angelica. When she arrived we all got in and went home.


Ang had already brought her stuff to my house, so luscious was the only one not staying. We walked inside, greeted my mother then went upstairs. We freshened up and then began doing our make up and hair. Well Angelica did both our looks, but you know. I helped. "You look, gorgeous." She said turning my chair around so I could see myself in the mirror. My hair was in big lushuious curls.

My lipstick was a nude/pink color, my eyes were covered in dark and glittery tones that beautifully with the contour.

All in all. I loved the look. It took Angelica an entire two hours to do this. After she did mine she called her mom and she came over and did her hair then she left downstairs to talk with my mom. Her mom was a stylist so to say her hair looked bomb was

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