Chapter Fourteen

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Miracle's POV

I got out of the vehicle not uttering a word as I got further away from the car. Despite Angelica's protests. I kept walking. I got to the front door and unlocked the door before, twisting the nob and opening the light brown Oak wood door. I stepped inside the house and was greeted by my mother. "Hey, baby." She said. I walked up to her slouched figure and kissed her cheek. "Hey, ma. What'd you do today?"

"Lots of things, hon. Too much if you ask me. Mama's tired." She said I chuckled at her tired groan. She was surfing trough Netflix in search of a decent show to watch. I stepped into the kitchen and looked around for something to eat. "I made Shepard's pie, Rice, Stewed chicken and Callaloo." She said, knowing exactly what I was raiding the kitchen for.

"Ou, Sunday Lunch on a Wednesday. Thank you mommy!" I said, exitedly. I love it when she did that. No one made better Shepherd's pie, than my momma. "There's already a bowl for you in the microwave. Heat it up and your good to go. There will be a lot left over. So feel free to send some for your friends." As soon as those words left her lips, I felt myself frown.

I felt guilty about saying and acting that way. I'll call them over once I'm done eating. I heated up my food. When it was done I grabbed a spoon and a glass of water. When I retrieved the things I came into the kitchen for. I walked over and sat next to my mom on the couch.

It looked like we would be watching Maleficent: Mistress of evil. I was done eating five minutes later. Placing my plate in the kitchen I came back and sat on the couch. My mother patted a space on top of her and I layed down. She ran her hands through my curls and sighed. "I love you, hon." I intertwined our fingers and kissed he hand.

"I love you too, ma."

She continued playing with my hair as we went on. Half way through the movie my mother had fell asleep. I swear she could never stay awake during a movie. It mattered not if she was tired or not. She just always did. The way she was sleeping could cause her to get a stiff neck or wake up with her back hurting, so I bravely decided to woke her up. Which was a dangerous gamble, because my mother hated being woken up from sleep. I told her to go to her room so she could be more comfortable.

She woke up in a bad mood. (As expected) her hair was all over the place. Strands stuck to her face, holding on for dear life. When I had explained my reason for waking her, she groaned and glared at me as she rose from the couch. I blew her a kiss as she sauntered her way to her room, she flipped me off before disappearing from my line of vision.

I called Lucious and told him to get everyone to my house. He did agreed, no complaints being thrown about earlier, which I was grateful for. In about an hour Luce and Angie as well as the rest of the guys were here.

All except Mathias.

They all situated themselves in the living room. Ang was on the floor with Griffin and adrian behind her. The guys took places on the couches and chairs. They were all silent, looking anywhere but at me. I sighed. Zack looked quite annoyed, but said nothing

"What's all this about?" Griff asked first. The others all let out incoherent mutters following his question. "Well I wanted to apologize for how I acted earlier. You guys aren't obligated to hang out with me every day. I'm sorry if I made you guys feel as if you were."

They all looked at me with an amusing look of disbelief. "That's what this was about?" Oliver laughed out. I looked down ashamed. I was being silly, clearly he thought so. I kept my eyes on the floor, scared of eye contact all of a sudden.

Oliver let out a groan probably being hit by something. Or someone. "What he means is: you worried about nothing. We all love hanging out with you. There is a very little amount of things that are better than hanging out with you." Zack spoke, ernest earnest sincerity laced his tone. His lips pulled into a small smile.

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