Chapter Twenty-seven

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"You were a bet." Jace whispered in my ear. I could feel him smirk against my skin. I was completely confused. I didn't know what the hell he was talking about. It wasn't until I looked over at Tyler who was struggling against Oliver's hold, begging Jace to shut up. I started to feel a heavy burden fall over my shoulder, as I registered his previous words.

My breath hitched as it hit me. I think I know what he was talking about, but I still decided to ask. "What are you talking about?" I asked my voice quivering slightly. I hate that I sounded so weak.

"He lied. He only ever dated you because of a bet he made with me." I froze. I felt the tears prick my eyes. I stilled, unmotivated to move a single muscle. My heart sunk lower than it ever had in my entire life, it hurt so much. Processing everything all at once hurt. I didn't want to believe it, and I wasn't about to. I began to struggle against him once more. "You're lying! It's not true." I said stubbornly, he had to be lying. He had to be. Mathias would never do that

He smirked, looking at me patronizingly. "Think about it: why'd he pick you, when he could have anyone else." He said, looking at me. I was replaying the words he answered with when I asked him that question. A disappointing haze fell over me. He looked at me, as if he just heard the funniest thing ever. He chuckled. "No. Don't tell me you fell for that: ''Because you're different bull shit.'' You've gotta be smarter than that."

I looked down, ashamed and embarrassed. I trusted him. I trusted them! They all lied to me all for some stupid bet?!

For months they knew and none of them said anything. They chose to keep it from me. I looked over at the other side of the room, watching as the sight before me unfolded. I saw that Tyler was yelling at Oliver as he smirked holding him down. "Oliver, why are you helping him? Mathias is your best friend!" Tyler scramed, struggling to get out of Oliver's grip.

Oliver rolled his eyes, not caring for Tyler's pleas. He simply kept holding him down before he decided to speak. "He always got what he wanted, not caring about anyone else as long as he got all he wanted! I was in love with Katey. But she was so infatuated with him, she never noticed me. The guy that was always there for her!" He spat his tone dripping with jealousy.

Tyler changed his gaze, putting it on me. A sorrowful and broken expresson took over his features. "Miracle you have to believe me. He wants to tell you, we all did. He was just too scared! So was I." He said, his grey eyes pleading. I listened to him, but nothing stuck. All that I could think of was the fact that he lied to me. The facts that pointed to him never really being intrested in me on his own.

I stared not necessarily at Tyler, but the wall behind him. I couldn't really gain my focus on my own at the current moment. Jace grabbed my cheeks making me look back at him. "Seems like he really did make good on that bet. He succeeded in making you fall for him." Jace spoke, his voice sickeningly torturous. His words felt like a stabbing in the back. Like he was able to kill me just those words. To be honest it felt as though he succeeded.

I felt dead inside.

"He must've gotten alot more than bargened for out of you though. I figured seeing as your legs were already jacked up, it'd be easier to keep em' closed. Guess not." He ended with a sick sense of pride in his tone. I felt disgusted by his tone. I was fed up with it all. I needed to leave, to get away from all of them. Fortunately for me, an opportunity presented itself.

Oliver got a text, and told Jace that they needed to leave. Hesitantly Jace agreed sending me one last glance before heading out the door with Oliver.

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