Chapter Seven

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Miracle's POV

"We're going to a restaurant the second part depends on if the date goes well." He stated rather matter-of-factly. I bit my lip nervously at his words. I actually didn't realize it till now; how badly I wanted it to go well.

He must've noticed my emotional shift, because he walked closer to me and gently took my chin betweenhis fingers. "Don't worry, I've got zero doubts that it wont. Stop being so stiff. Now's the time to loosen up a bit."

He added lightly brushing a stray hair behind my ear. This small action, had me entranced as I stared at him mindlessly. Butterflies erupted in my stomach, when he dragged his thumb down my the side of my face.

He then stopped abruptly when he was at my cheek."Ready to go?" He asks snapping me out of my trance. My breath  hitched in my throat when I saw him looking deeply into my hazel hues. Having lost the ability to speak, I nearly nod.

He led me to a sleek black BMW M850i. I got so excited I squealed and ran to the car this was literally my dream car. Except in my vision of myself driving this type of car, was that it was a midnight blue-purple color.

I have to ask him if I can steal this. "I'm so terribly not sorry. But can I steal this? Like seriously; I need, this car." I said dubiously. He burst out laughing. I mean a full on belly laugh. He clutched his stomach, trying to control his laboured breathing.

"I'm not kidding. I'm stealing this car." I said in all seriousness. He looked at me I'm shook his head, chuckling after sobering up he gestured to the car and we both got inside.


We stopped in front of this gorgeous restaurant. This looked extremely expensive, I was starting to feel a bit nervous. He must've noticed because he placed a comforting hand on my back.

"Are you okay? If it's too much we can just go somewhere else?" He said softly concern reigning through his tone. "No, no it's ok. I'm okay." I rushed out trying not to sound as nervous as I felt.

"Okay if you're sure. Let's go in I've already set reservations." He said pulling his hand back and opened the door for me. We walked in and it was alot bigger on the inside. The interior was gorgeous stone walls with beautiful decor and art that brought their bland grey color to life.

Andesite grey tile flooring. That by the looks of it, was recently polished. Looking at it reminds me of my minecraft days. Ah. Those were the days.

Note to self: Re-download minecraft.

The ground we were currently walking on, was covered by an apple-red coloured carpet. We came into contact with a blonde girl who standing near a podium. She looked not much older than us. She was about nineteen, maybe even twenty years old at best.

She was wearing a white undershirt and a black jacket uniform. "Goodnight! Do you guys have a reservation?" She smiled kindly, looking us over a bit. Mathias answered 'yes' she asked him for his name and he replied.

"Mathias De Luca." She looked it over in her I pad for his name. After finding his name somewhere in the list she escorted us to a table. "A waitress will be with you shortly." She said before turning on her heal and leaving.

As soon as she left. A silence fell between us. It wasn't exactly awkward, nor was it comfortable. I just took this time to admire the restaurants decor. It was absolutely beautiful. This place is probably really expensive.

A few minutes went by, of me just looking around in awe then Mathias spoke "I see you like it." He grinned. I smiled blushing slightly  nodding my head in agreement. "It's beautiful." I said softly hesitation evident in my voice. "But?" He asked smirking at my hesitation.

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