Chapter Five

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Mathias' POV

"What's up with Ryan's face?" Zack asked looking horrified at Ryan's the broken nose "He was fooling around with Sophie, "Lucious' girlfriend, well ex-girlfriend." I corrected myself.

His mouth formed an O-shape displaying his understanding of the situation. Remind me to never get on his badside." He laughed nervously "He had it coming. Shouldn't have made a move on someone else's girl." I shrugged carelessly.

"Come on, practice is over. Get Ty, let's go take a shower and head to my house." I said grabbing my shirt from off the bleachers. "Someone's eager." Zack said, after returning back with Tyler in his company. Tyler smirked "I wonder why?"

"You guys are morons." I said chuckling.


We were all relaxing on my couch waiting for Miracle to show up. We were there for about ten minutes more, when I heard them come in.

"Ouch that must've hurt. She had it coming though, she had no right to talk to Miracle that way." Angelica's voice echoes through out the room. Walking into the living room was Luce, Angelica and Miracle.

Miracle was now wearing a lilac tube skirt and a black thin strap vest tucked into the skirt. "Hey guys what's up?" Luce asked, curiosity looming over his eyes. "Their here to work on a group assignment with me." Miracle spoke up, he nodded and headed toward the kitchen.

He grabbed a beer from the fridge and re-entered the living space. He plopped down on the couch, taking a sip of his beer. "We're sorry about Sophie." I said genuinely sorry about what happened. "It's alright. I'll be fine."

"I'm sorry Luce, I feel like I'm partly to blame." Miracle apologized her head hanging low. "No, your not. Quit apologizing." He shook his head. She explained that Sophie was right; she did always take up alot of his attention.

"You don't ever have to apologize for, anything. Your my best friend and I love you, you come before any relationship and that's that." He said grabbing her chin and lifting her head up, placing a kiss on her forehead.

She sent him a bright toothy smile but something was off about it and I think Luce noticed too, but niether of us acknowledged it. "So are we gonna get started on this project or not?" Tyler smirked.

I nodded bidding farewell to my friends as they headed to the theater room. "Okay let's get this started. Who knows the main reason behind The Great Gatsby?"


Miracle's POV

"Ty! I'm not doing that." I squealed, turning my head away in embarrassment. "Come on you have to! It's your fault for picking truth so many God damn times. " He pointed out. Ugh this is so embarrassing. "Why did I agree to this?" I questioned to no one in particular, really beginning to regret this. "Because I'm a master at persuasion?" Zack offered. Apparantly I said that out loud.

"Fine. Yes it's true. It's all true! I'm a virgin I've never been kiss, I've never had a boyfriend." I blushed hiding my face in my hair. "Dang, girl." Zack and Tyler mumbled at the same time. "It's not my fault! 1. The boys at our school are a bunch of sex addicts." I listed. I heard them let out a few fake pained groans and a 'ouch' from Tyler.

I just rolled my eyes sassily "2. Most of you are man whores and 3. I'm guy repellent personified. Even if I wanted to date one of them. None of them would want me, other than to probably use me for their own personal needs." I concluded my speak in a somewhat morbid tone.

"Firstly, ouch. We aren't all like that." Mathias explains, rubbing the back of his neck. "Most of the time." Zack said scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "Secondly. Why do you think so low of yourself, I mean I haven't known you that long; but, I think I speak for everyone here when I say: Your pretty fucking awesome."

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