Chapter Twenty nine

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We were rushing our way through the traffic trying to get to the hospital quickly enough. I was nervous to say the least. My skin had been overthrown by goosebumps, chills were running up my spine, my nails were being bitten off. My eyes kept moving between the red light and the dozens of cars. There was only one thing on my mind at this moment and that was Mathias.

I prayed and prayed that he'd be okay. He has to be okay.

My hands were shaking as I brushed my hair out of my face. A shallow breath pushed past my chapped lips. It was like everything had slowly been fading away. I wasn't paying much attention to the other people in the car, Lucious and Angelica were constantly stealing glances. It looked as though they wanted to talk to me, but I wasn't really sure since I wasn't paying much attention.

The car started moving again, I could feel my nervousness nullified a little. My eyes were still trained on the window. A few minutes of us moving a light rainfall began. As the drops of water padded against the glass - My mind drifted further and further away. I wanted to talk to them but, I was afraid. I was afraid that at I voiced my fears and concerns they'd actually be real. That I'd jinx it or something - so I just stayed quiet, letting the sound of the rain falling against the glass window console me.

My mother had called a little while ago to check up on me, when I answered, she'd asked me as if she knew what I was going to do the entire time. It hadn't surprised me much though, my mother always found a way to just know everything. Once she'd realized I wasn't as happy as she expected me to be, she started asking questions - to which I repaid with the answers, albeit a little reluctantly.

She obviously hadn't been thrilled by the news, asking me whether or not I wanted her to come. Seeing as she was at work, I didn't want to drag her in so, I told her it would be better to finish work first.

We'd only been in the car for about fifteen minutes due to traffic, yet it felt as though an eternity had passed us by. I hated feeling this nervous - it was always the worst. Being this jumpy had always given my mind constant opportunities to harass me. It found more and more ways to worsen my already frazzled thoughts. The thoughts I didn't want or need to have.

The voice in my head kept whispering horrible things to me, tearing my hopes apart. It was creating terrifyingly horrific situations in my head, the situations I dreaded most. I did my best not to let them get to me - it wasn't working.

My shaking body was pressed up against the wall, my hand lingering on the door handle.

As soon as we got to the hospital I dashed out of the car, speeding walking to the main entrance. I opened the double glass door, stepping into the huge medical complex. Once I was inside, the typical hospital vibe hit me, the sent of: sanitizer, chemicals and air fresheners attact me. The cold breeze leaving the air conditioning blew against my skin. My eyes wondered the area taking in my new surroundings. As expected it was filled with people waiting in chairs, some of them hadn't looked as happy as others - They appeared hopelessly and emotionally drained.

I frowned at the sight of those hopeless souls, my heart goes out to them. Before looking away from them; I wished them the best of luck, saying a silent short prayer before continuing on my way. I resumed my inspection of the place as I made my way to the front desk. When i was done my examination. I wasn't surprised everything was as I expected: white walls, a few nurses walking around, things stacked tidily in their respective places, a vending machine and organized, unattented waiting chairs.

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