Chapter Nine

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Miracle's POV

Three days later

I was shaken awake by my sister. I groaned muttering incoherent curses at her for waking me up so early. She flipped me off effortlessly, walking over to the end of the bed and pulling the rest of my duvets off.

On instinct I shoot up at the feeling of my warmth evading my grasp. I gave her my worst glare I could muster, but she just continued to ignore me.

Then she did the worst things imaginable. She turned on the lights. If there was one thing I hated most was when someone turned on the lights in my room after I woke up.

Call me a vampire if you wish, but I need atleast a good five to ten minutes to prepare myself before I turn on the lights. I stayed up in the dark till 4am, for christ sake!

God forbid I would want a couple more comforting moments in the dark, before I start my day. But nevertheless I was annoyed to the fullest extent now thanks to my sister.

I shot daggers at her in hopes that it would some how effect her. It didn't. I just heard a few light chuckles escaping every time she heard the insults I kept mumbling.

"So did you get any sleep?" My sister queried "Nope." I riposte, regarding the fact that I hadn't been able to get more than two and a half hours.

"That's it! Zavian. Get in here now!" She yelled like a maniac. Oh no, not again. "What?! What happened? where's mom!?" He asked alarmed, confusion and fear clear in his voice. He analyzed my room in search of danger.

"Calm down dummy! We're not in danger. This isn't 'Taken 2'." She exclaimed throwing her hands around, wildly. "What the fuck maddie! I fell off my bed trying to get here."

"She hasn't gotten more than two hours of sleep since last week." She said completely ignoring Zavi's complaints. "And she refuses to talk about it."

"Miracle," His stare was pointed at me now, worry clear in his tone, "Um I-" Just as i was about to start talking my phone rang. Talk about saved by the bell.

Well ring. Ha. Yeah anyway—

I saw Lucious' name pop up on the screen. "Hold that thought, I gotta take this." I quipped taking off as fast as my legs could take me. I'm sure I looked extremely awkward running, but I try not to focus on that.

As soon as I was far away, Answering my phone, pressing it to my ear. "Hey what's up?" I spoke into the phone. I ducked into the bathroom and started brushing my teeth.

Hey I'm on my way to your house are you ready yet?" Lucious questioned a bit loudly due to the loud music in the background accompanied by Angie's singing

"Uh yeah, I'm totally ready meet you outside in ten?"

"Yeah when you're done brushing your teeth and all that. Don't forget to pack your clothes. Were staying at my place tonight." He reminded me, I could practically hear the smirk grow on his face.

I just huffed, hanging up the phone. I could never hide anything from him, he knew me too well.

Fifteen minutes later, I was packed and ready to go hearing my bestfriends and my family converse downstairs. I took one look in the mirror, when I was satisfied with how I looked.

I walked out of my room heading downstairs. I am met by my family eating breakfast.

When aware of my presence I was pulled into my mother's embrace. She wished me a good morning and kissed my forehead lightly. I did the same, but the kiss was placed on her cheek.

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