Chapter Ten

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Miracle's POV

It's been a week since Mathias asked me to be his girlfriend and so far it's been great nothing really changed though. He was just really possessive. It worries me that hes almost Luce type crazy. It's only been a week!

Maddie and Zavi are starting school again tomorrow.  Their school finally got the chem lab fixed after the incident. Finally. Don't get me wrong; I love spending time with my siblings. But, they make everything awkward when I'm with Mathias. Every time he's here or even if it's the whole gang.

Zavian comes in to "chaperon." Yeah right. He comes in and threatens Mathias, using his accent to do so making it much more confusing for him. I think he was actually beginning to fear Zavian.

I walked into my house with Mathias following closely behind. We walked in and I told him to take a seat on the chair while I got us some snacks. But he insisted on hovering over me while I got the snacks and left over lasagna.

I opened the pantry and told him to pick his snack. He chose Hershey's and strawberries. His eyes looked over the Caribbean snack section of the pantry in, obviously confused."Those are snacks from the Caribbean.

Every time we go there we stock up on our favorite snacks and drinks." He went through some of them, inspecting the pack. "Most of these are from a place called: Trinidad?" He said confusion clear in his expression as he scratched his neck.

"I'm not surprised you don't know alot of people don't, it's okay. It is a small country after all." I said trying to erase his embarrassment. "My mom was born and raised there. It's a beautiful island, with gorgeous beaches and nice rivers. Ou! And amazing culture." I gushed.

I grabbed two big foots a big bag of spicey tortillaz and spicey big foot as well as some biskrem and chocolate digestive. Mostly for him to try and me to finish... I'm a growing teenager, I need my food. Don't judge me!

I really love the country and often thought about what it would have been like to live there as a child. I only had a little experience since I did go to a primary school there for a little. It was an all inclusive so that ment it had alot of other special needs kids like me.

I had even made two friends there. On of them moved to Canada so I no longer saw her on my visits. The other stayed in the country with her mom but plans to move in the US when she's eighteen.

"The music is the best! The food is to die for. Our KFC looks like shit next to thiers." (No offense to any American KFC lovers.) I said putting the lasagna in the microwave. "I take it you've been there quite alot."

"Yep. Ma likes us to keep in touch with our family from there. Get to know our roots. She's even began teaching us how to speak like the locals." I said. "Wait wait they have a different way of speaking like they don't speak English?" He quizzed planting his but on the couch.

"Technically; it's broken English. Like this: Oo waiz de scene?" I quizzed in the accent I had come to love. He looked confused but like he was trying to figure something out. He stared at me as if trying to tell me to translate. I laughed lightly.

"It means: Hey what's up. Or what's the news." I explained as simply as I could.

I brought the snacks and rested them on the table. He layed on the couch patting the space in front of him. I chuckled and set myself down. He wrapped a hand around my waist his head resting stop my unruly head of hair.

"I think I heard your brother use that accent on me before." He said. I gulped, grabbing the remote. "What do you wanna watch? I said looking at him smiling innocently, trying to changing the subject. He laughed lightly a grin spread across his lips. "You should teach me some time. You know the basics, right?"

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