Chapter Thirteen

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Miracle's POV

It was a week since the dance also the last day of school. The guys have been acting extremely weird these past few days. Zack literally had been avoiding me as if I was the plague. Anytime we were in a room together he'd walk out in the next direction. He nearly got a smack upside the head when he tried it in gym.

Which was also one of my, more favored classes.

Yes, I'm disabled and enjoy gym. Shocking? I know. It's just that I'd always liked keeping myself in shape and good health physical (body wise) because I wanted to have something that didn't entirely make me as some people like to call it. Hideous or fat.

I was well aware that I was more on the thicker side. I wasn't fat or big boned. I had a big bust and an arguably big butt. It was a gean thing. Most of the women in my family were thick but not fat.

I honestly loved my shape and was thankful for what I had. I don't think I'd ever want to be like the girls at my school who tell me I should look more like them. Cause frankly; I'm very much okay with not looking like a broom stick with boobs.

Take full offense you self esteem destroying bitches!

I was walking by in the hallway, and my glare lingered on some of the girls I passed that told me those things.

You know that cliché assurance, that happens to girls that had been abused or bullied in those movies and books. You know when a the bullying and abuse stops when you start dating him?

Yeah, that didn't happen to me. I still got bullied but it was more verbal than physical these days. Just as I was about to walk into the library I was grabbed by the arm. I felt the sharp pain of nails digging into my skin. They were probably really strong acrylics. I looked up to see if I could recognized my attacker.

I analyzed the persons features and body structure then I realized that it was Katey's little sister Brooklyn.

What in the hell?

This girl was a sophomore in our school. Disgusting attitude. Just like her sister. Hot. Just like her sister. Popular and bitchy.

Just. Like. Her. Sister.

The only two differences between her and Katey was their age and a few facial features. She had dyed her brown hair, platinum blonde. The same color of Katey's hair. She copied her style, her speech and her attitude.

She had always hated me, but I never knew why. I had done nothing to her. So that begs the question.

Why the hell is she attacking me?

"What the heck brook?!" I said trying to pull my arm out of her grip. "Let me go!" I said exasperatedly. "Why are you being so desperate? Stealing another girls man! Are you that lonely?" She taunted at the end, pouting fakely. "Get the hell off!" I said pulling my hand out of her grasp, finally. It didn't last though.

She then grabbed me by the neck and backed me into the wall, hard. "You should really be more careful of who you mess with." I heard the door nob jingled and just it opened she tightened her grip. "If you don't back off. Some really bad things are gonna start happening." She then let go of me just as the librarian came out.

"What is going on here!?" She yelled. "Oh nothing, Elise. Just a little disagreement, is all." She said sweetly her hands behind her back as she smiled sweetly at her. The malice in her eyes was directed at me. "It's Mrs.  Baker to you, young lady." She said fixing her glasses. She then moved her concerned gaze to me.

The girl who had been silently trying to catch her breath as brook tried to lie her way out of trouble. "What happened to your neck dear?" She asked tenderly looking me over. "I'm okay, Elise." I said putting on fake a smile. She nodded, I could make out brook rolling her eyes. Elise went back to the library.

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