Chapter Twenty-four

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Miracle's POV

He lead us into our room and pushed me against the wall. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked me in between kisses. I nodded, panting. He made sure that I was securely wrapped around him. He then brought me to the bed, laying me against the silk sheets of the king sized bed. I looked at him trough my dark lashes.

Hazel eyes—stared into dark brown ones. His lips trailed down my neck, surely leaving hickeys along the way. I gasped brokenly as his lips reached the top of my breast that was exposed. His rough finger tips glided down my side. When his hand stopped at the end of my shirt—he pulled it up, taking it off of me. My bra covered chest was now exposed to him. He eyed me hungrily, licking his lips.

He put his hand on my cheek, in a sweet caressing motion. His hands traveled down my neck to my breast. Upon their arrival my nipples pebbled under the fabric of my bra. He traced the valley between my breasts, playing with the holy cross pendant of my necklace.

"You just love torturing me, dont you?" He said huskily. His voice clouded by desire. I knew he was talking about my choice in undergarments. Hallelujah, I had decided to wear these instead of my usual underwear.

He did not need to witness my choice in underwear.

He looked into my eyes searching for permission to continue. He unbuckled my black lace bra and pulled it off. My chest was now on full display to him. He looked at them, his lips parted. I began to feel a bit insecure about my body as his heated stare refused to leave my chest.

I put my hands up to cover my breasts. He placed his lips on mine, kissing me slowly. "Do you trust me?" He asked. I nodded my head, wordlessly. "Use your words, love." He said, grinning. "Yes." I said but it came out soft and breathless. He pulled my hands away from their protective position, kissing me once more. His head dipped down more—taking my nipple into his mouth.

I gasped at the feeling of his tongue swirling around my pebbled bud. His fingers were providing the same attention to my other nipple. His head dipped lower, dragging his tongue agonizingly slow against my stomach. His hand played with the line of my lace panties. "You really don't know how much control you have over me." He said, his voice dangerously low.

"Once these are off there's no going back, baby." He said tracing the line. His other hand running over my tattoo on my side.

It was a quote Luce, Ang and I, live by. "In the ones I love, I shall place my trust. But I will never let anyone come between us." With our friendship date in roman numerals below it.

We took it in August last year. By that time all of us had already turned seventeen. It took a lot of convincing for Luce and Angie, but I simply asked my mom when she was drunk.

Hehe. Genius!

I nodded and he pulled them down. My entire body was fully exposed to him now. "Fucking beautiful. And you wanted to hide this from me? You can be so cruel, baby." He said his head went down kissing anywhere but the place I wanted, no—needed him most. I pushed his head down lower and he chuckled. His hot breath fanning my area.

He rubbed my clit with his thumb, slowly. "Mathias." I moaned his name out as his fingers continued working their magic. He hummed. He then placed his mouth against my wet center  plunging his tongue inside of me. "Ah! Baby, please.!" I said a strangled moan departed from my throat.

He kept going faster and faster till I couldn't take it. I felt this strange feeling build up in the pit of my stomach, then a euphoric feeling washed over me. I came. He licked the shiney glaze off his lips while looking at me darkly.

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