Chapter Sixteen

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Miracle's POV

I was running up and down my room looking for something decent to wear. This would be the first time, I was meeting Mr. De Luca as his son's girlfriend. I looked around my room. I damaged my closet, displeased by almost everything I saw, until my eyes landed on purple plad print summer dress. I tried it on then looked in the mirror.

I thought something was missing so I ran downstairs to my mother's room. I opened the door and went in. "Ma!" I saw her putting on her gold earrings that was molded into the shape of a 'K'. "Yes, Miracle?" She asked not turning away from the mirror. "Do you have a throw over I can borrow?"

She pointed to the closet and I went straight to it. I surfed through the walk-in closet and found a purple throw over. I grabbed it and threw it on. Walking over to the mirror that my mother stepped away from a few seconds ago, I gave myself a once over. "You look beautiful," she said pride emanating of her.

"Go check on your brother and sister, and see if their ready." She was turning around to walk to the vanity when she hit her head on the door. A loud chuckle escaped my lips at the face she made on impact. She glared at me, while rubbing her head and walking away.

I walked out of her room and went to my brother's room, which was located down the hall. I knocked on his door. No response. I did it two more times. Yet still I I recieved not a single reply. I banged my fists against the door harder this time and.

The door opened to reveal a shirtless Zavian. "What the hell, Mira?" I heard shuffling in the background and knew exactly who it was. "Hey, Selene." I said noticing her running to the other side of the room. "Hey, Mira." She said appearing behind Zavian.

Her hair was sexed up so I instantly knew what happened. I resisted the urge to gag as an image popped into my mind. "Get ready. You have ten minutes." I said to him. He rolled his eyes and walked further away from the door. I waved Selene goodbye, she did the same and closed the door.

Zavian and Selene have been together for almost three years. She dropped out of college just before she could finish because she and Zavian have a child together. His name is Seven. She plans on finishing everything she had to this summer.

"Maddie! Open up!" I banged against the door. "I'm coming!" She yelled she opened the door and pulled me inside. She was wearing a baby blue off shoulder dress that stopped mid thigh. Her jewelry consists of: her gold chain that has a heart shaped pendant that was also made out of gold. Her 'M' shaped earrings that were made out of gold.

She wore her red flats.

"You look great!" I said to her. She nodded striking a pose. "I know. Now let's give you some edges."

Mathias' POV

"Fuck me." I groaned looking at the individuals in front of me. Why'd it have to be tonight, of all nights. I stared in the direction of my dick head brother. Just kill me now. "That's no way to greet your older brother that you haven't seen in Two years."

Should've been more if you ask me. "Why are you here, Rio?" I asked him.

Why was I being a dick to my brother you ask? Well you see on the outside. My brother might seem like the most amazing person you will ever meet. But on the inside he was a Vindictive, selfish prick. This asshole terrorized me for Two and a half years.

He blamed everything on me. He used our mother's death to get me to bend to his will. He got in trouble and always dragged me into it somehow. Treating me as though I was his servant. Anytime I disobeyed him he'd hold mom's death over my head.

He said things like: "She died because of you." "You killed her." "You took mom from us so now you have to pay." "Your the reason I will never be happy again."

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