Chapter Nineteen

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Mathias POV

I walked off of the field, on my way to my car. I reached my car, and when I was about to open it to get in I felt myself be pushed against the vehicle. I look around to see if I could spot my attacker.

My eyes landed on Katey. She then placed her hands on my chest then she attacked my lips. She then grinded her hips on mine. If this was before I met Miracle I probably would've enjoyed this. But it felt like sandpaper was being rubbed against me.

Her kissing skills were always sloppy, but now they were just flat out terrible. I pushed her off me immediately, not caring if she fell due to the force of my shove. Luckily for her she just stumbled back. "Baby why do you keep pushing me away? What does that fat, crooked leged, charity case have to offer you?"

I stared at her like she'd grown two heads. I felt my body begging to shake with rage. I wasn't going to stoop so low as to hit a girl, but I wasn't going to lie. I wasn't a saint, lord knows I'm not. My feelings and impulses about this situation proved it even more.

I wanted so badly to make her regret those words. I was restraining myself just barely. I needed to get out of here before I did something I knew I'd pay for later. I turned around and attempted opening my car door once more. And yet again my attempt was thwarted.

"What do you want!" I yelled in her face."I want you god damn it!" she screamed by now every guy coming back from practice must've heard. Some of them had stopped to watch. Even coach was spectating. She rubbed her hands over my belt slowly.

"Don't you remember how good we used to be together? How good I made you feel. I'm sure that selfish girl hasn't even bothered to tend to your needs." She said trying to sound seductive.

Let me tell you: She failed miserably.

I grabbed her wrist and ripped them off of me, as if they were burning me. "If you touch me again you're not going to like what happens next." I spoke, venom lacing my tone. I opened the door to my car. Uninterrupted this time.

When I got in I looked her in the eye and began to speak.

"You wanna know what she has that you don't? She's funny, kind, she has class, dignity and a gorgeous smile. A smile that she doesn't use to get tom, dick and harry to have sex with her! Don't ever slander her name like that again, understand?"

She glared at me before turning on her heel and leaving. I pulled out of the parking lot and went straight home, to my girl.


When I got home, I went inside I saw that Angelica and Luce were in a heated make out session. Angelica must've noticed my presence because without breaking the kiss she pointed towards upstairs.

I went upstairs after checking the guest room and seeing that there was no one there. I then looked in my room and found her laying in the dark in my room. I went onto the bed and pulled her into a hug.

But she did something I didn't expect. She pushed herself off of me and sat up. I opened my mouth to speak but shut it as soon as I heard her utter something. I placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. But she pulled away again.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked her worry was laced into my voice as I got up and went to the side of the bed that she was sitting. She was looking at her phone, her body motionless. I looked down at it to see what she was looking at, what I saw made my breathing cease.

It was a picture of Katey and I, kissing. The thing was though. I didn't kiss her back, but you clearly couldn't tell from this picture's angle. Miracle recovered from her unmoving state, now she was shaking. She then began breathing hard.

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