Chapter Four

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Mathias' POV

I've been trying to get this girl alone all morning and nothing! This was starting to become a pain in my ass. It was lunch now and I just saw her go into the cafeteria with lucious.

I followed behind trying to get her attention but she didn't notice me. On my way in Tyler and Zack approached me. "Well you look busy." Zack chimed in. I blew a strand of hair out of my face before muttering. "I am. I've been trying all morning to get her attention but nothing's working."

"Huh, you haven't even had a decent conversation with her yet. But, she already has you following her around like a lost puppy. How far you've fallen." Said Tyler dramatically.

I rolled my eyes and continued to search for her in the cafeteria. I saw her sitting at a table with Lucious, Angelica, kyle one of the guys on my team and some girl I saw at my house a couple times with Luce.

She was a total cheat by the way. She was constantly trying to hit on me whenever Luce wasn't around. I really had to let him know.

I told Zack and Ty to wait for me at our table and they nodded, then left without another word. I walked towards their table and spoke. "Hey bro. What's up?" Luce asked giving me a fist bump. "Nothing; I was just wondering if I could borrow Miracle for a bit." I asked with a small smile on my lips

"Uh-" He started. "Of course! Go ahead." Angelica cut in. "Say what?" Miracle said butting in. "Great!" Angelica and I said at the same time. "It wont take long-I just what to talk to you about something. I promise to be quick."

She nodded, unconvincingly. I took her hand and walked her out of the cafeteria and to my locker. When we got there, she was looking at me; waiting patiently for me to speak. "What did you want to talk about?" She said getting straight to the point.

Well damn. That's a first.

"Well I wanted to know if you wanted to go out with me Friday night?" I asked pushing my hands in my pocket. "Why the sudden interest? You've never talked to me before. Why now?" She shot, raising a thin brown eyebrow, crossing her arms across her chest.

"It's cause you seem like you'd be fun to hang out with and Lucious nor my friends can hang with me that night-But I understand if you have plans." I said turning around and walking away.

"Wait! I'm sorry for being rude. I'd love too. What time?" She asked. I smirked. Turning around with a boyish grin plastered on my face.

"I'll pick you up at seven." I confirmed. She nodded and followed me back to the cafeteria we said our temporary 'goodbye's' and parted ways.

I sat down at my usual table and sighed running a hand through my hair. "What'd she say." Oliver asked.

"It's a date." I grinned devilishly.

Miracle's POV

"What the hell did he say?!" Angelica whisper-yelled as soon as I sat down. "Nothing important-He just asked me out. No big deal." I said all in one go. "Holy fuck!" Angie exclaimed. I heard the annoyed fake laugh of Sophie erupt behind me. "You got a date with Mathias De Luca? The lacrosse captain?" Sophie scoffed, bitchily. I just rolled my eyes at her comment.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Lucious asks his tone immediatly switching to protective best friend. Angelica seemed interested in that also, as her head snapped in Sophie's direction. "Oh nothing. It's just surprising, is all." Sarcasm dipped into her tone. She tried to cover it up with a smile. Lucious was about to say something, but I just placed a hand on his.

"It's fine." I shared a look with him and he just nodded. Sophie glared at my hand that was resting on her boyfriend's Angelica's focus from mentally killing Sophie. "You were asking?" She turned away from Sophie, after glaring at her for a bit.

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