Chapter Twenty

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Miracle's POV

It's been a month since the night, and well I was finally fully healed! I was going to be going back to school two days though.


My father had came to check on me. He and my mother were now officially divorced. She didn't say it but she was happier, she even went out with her friends last night.

She usually never went out, her friends mainly came here. They would all either go out to the back yard and play cards while drinking, or they'd have a pool party. She sometimes visits their houses instead, but — she was still an inside person though. I don't think that'll ever change.

I missed my captain. Right now he was at school probably practicing for the game tonight. Angelica and Luce were at school too, aswell as my siblings. Ma was at the store—So, it was just me here today.

After mom got home about four hours ago, I had just ended up falling a sleep for a bit, waking up a couple hours later. When I got up, I walked into my bathroom and brushed my teeth, washing my face right after. Stepping back into the room, I layed on the bed, grabbing my phone — turning it on phone. 


I was laying in bed reading a book when I heard a knock at the door. "I'm coming!" I shouted from at the top of the stairs, deciding after those words left my lips.

When I opened it, I was met by Oliver and Jace. "Hey Oliver what's up?" I asked him. He smiled at me hugging me. "Hey princess, I'm sorry I didn't come to see you." He said, into my neck. "It's okay. I understand. But, what are you guys doing here?" Jace scratched his head and Oliver smirked. "You aren't going to the game?" Jace asked, smirking.

"It's NIGHT!" I yelled looking out the door. Seeing the dark array of midnight blue that took over the sky. They broke out laughing as I ran up the stairs. "Wait on the couch." I yelled running into my room.

I really need to start paying more attention to my surroundings.

I got changed into a Jacket that I stole from Mathias, a red lace crop top. My bottom half consists of a ripped jeans and red fila. I walked down the stairs and met them sitting on the couch talking about something. "What's the buzz?" I questioned capturing their attention.

"Nothing, you look great by the way. Mathias is one lucky guy." Jace said looking me up and down. I just smiled kindly, brushing off the feeling of disgust that I felt. "I have to go tell my mom I'm leaving." I said walking to her room. I knocked on her door and opened it. "He ma, I'm heading out now." I said looking at her laying on the bed.

She turned "Hey mama? Where you going all dressed up?" She asks. I smiled, looking her in the eye. "Mathias' game is tonight, so I'm going to support him." She smiled at me standing, "I love seeing you smile like that, that genuine smile. I've never seen you this way with anyone but, Lucious and Angelica."

"I guess you were right. Someone finally saw me for who I am, not how I am. And I love it."

After I had that moment with my mother we left for the game. When we got there the game still hadn't started. I looked around and spotted my two bestfriends up front on the bleachers.

Well that's a dangerous choice. 

I walked up to them and gave them each a hug. "Hey guys, I missed you all week. What happened?" They smiled and Lucious hugged me, placing his lips on my forehead in a soft kiss. "Well your birthday is in more or less, two weeks. We were trying to figure out what to get you." They explained, my mouth form and "O" shape to formulate my understanding.

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