Chapter Twenty-three

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Mathias' POV

Miracle's birthday was in a four days, and I had no idea what to get her. Currently I was in her house with her family discussing what we should get her.

Her sister suggested getting her some of the paperback books she's been dying to have for a while. Her brother said, he was getting her some new shoes and a ring he had custom made for her.

On the other hand her mother and I suggested we each get her a gift separate, and then something we all bought together.

I sat on the couch thinking about it for a bit, before an idea popped into my head.

"She always talked about getting a car like the BMW I drive." I said to them. Seconds after I had the perfect idea for a birthday gift. "We should get it for her! She even has a specific color she wants it in." I said remembering what she said on our first date. How passionately she spoke about the car of her dreams.

"That's a great idea and we can all chip in on buying it for her." Maddie agreed smiling brightly at the thought of making her sister happy. In the time I spent with them and observing their bond, I came to realize, how their bond was. It was similar to her and Zavian's but not quite the same.

Yes of course they showed affection towards eachother, but it wasn't an everyday thing even when they weren't upset with one another they didn't always act lovey-dovey. That's just not how they operate. The truth was:

She wasn't always like this. Neither of them were. But she loves her sister very deeply. She especially, always jumped at the chance to make her happy. That's how they both acted towards one another.

"That's a good idea. But, we have no idea where or how we are going to get it. I mean come on her birthday is in four days!" Zavi's voice pulled me abruptly out of my thoughts. I registered his words before speaking

"I know where we can get it."

~23rd February Miracle's birthday~

"Good Morning love. Happy Eighteenth birthday." I whispered to her. She groaned and turned away. "I'll be Eighteen again tomorrow, let me sleep." I resisted the urge to fall to the ground laughing, and continued to shake her awake.

I opened the curtains in hopes of getting her up—But I forgot; this is Miracle I'm dealing with. I looked around the room, thinking of the one thing that would make her wake up, as I got up to walk over to the light switch. I heard her voice emerging. "Mathias." She said in a warning tone.

"Get up." I asked. She sunk herself deeper into the covers, preparing herself. "No."

Suite yourself.

I turned it on. As soon as I did I felt something hit me. I looked down too see that it was a shoe. Where did she get that? "Asshole." She muttered, still laying on the bed. "I didn't want it to come to this but you leave me no choice." I said, pulling the covers off of her.

I looked over at her and her eyes were twitching. I should run, right? She slowly got up and looked at me maliciously. Yeah I should've definitely ran.

She came up to me and grabbed me by my hair. Minuscule fingers wrapped theirselves around my hair and she dragged me to the door. Hisses and groans were leaving my lips constantly, though it appeared to have fallen upon deaf ears. She pulled me towards the stairs, then let go of my hair, readjusting our position. I was now standing to the side of her instead of being draged at the back.

She proceeded to grab my rather long brown hair, pulling me downstairs. I made sure to warn her about being careful not to trip—Yet still, she didn't listen. I swear, it's like my warnings go in one ear, just to go right back out the other. Coming down towards the last step; She tripped before I was able to stop her.

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