Chapter Twenty-five

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Miracle's POV

Walking (more like limping). from the kitchen, I noticed that Jace was right behind me, following me drunkenly through the hall. I didn't want to think the worst, so I just assumed he was going to the bathroom. That entire thought was crushed when I felt myself be pushed against the wall. I groaned in pain at the mild hurt I felt in my body after being struck.

"Hey Miracle." Jace said, his breath fanning my ear. I shivered in disgust at the proximity between us, his hands roamed my body, squeezing my hips roughly. He raised my shirt a little to the point where cold air was hitting my ass directly. He dragged his hands down, his fingers lightly grazing my ass. "What a great choice of clothing." He said licking the shell of my ear.

All I felt was disgust. He disgusted me. "Jace get off of me." I said, but my voice was barely above a whisper. Trying to push him off of me, but my body wouldn't let me. "No wonder Mathias ended up falling for you. You must be a lot of fun in bed." He said bringing himself closer to me, dropping his hands down to my ass, rubbing it harshly. "Oh I forgot, you're a virgin right? " He drunkenly slurred.

He traced the line of my panties making me freeze when he lightly tugged the fabric down. I tried to move but I was paralyzed by fear. Now I understand what my sister ment when she says fear will overtake your mind, paralyzing you. "Or has tonight changed that?" He asked as if he already knew the answer. He pressed his finger against my area, that's what snapped me out of it.

"Get the fuck off of me!" I said raising my leg up best I could to hit him where it hurts. When I succeeded he groaned clutching his groin. I pushed him away, running for the door to my room as he let out strings of curses behind me. I reached the room locking the door as soon as I got there.

When I looked up, Mathias was still asleep. I walked over to my bags, digging through it with shaking hands. I finally got ahold of my sleeping pills, walking into the bathroom. I got to the sink, popping one in my mouth without hesitation. Turning on the sink, I drank some water to swallow down the bitter, white oval shaped pill.

I looked at myself in the mirror; the silence was deafening as I took in my sunken appearance. My eyes were puffy, dried tears stained my cheeks, my body was shaking, my hair disheveled. I washed my face with the water leaking from the sink pipe I neglected to turn off. My hands dragged down my face, in a desperate attempt to remove any reminace of my sullen state.

Leaving the washroom, I traveled over to the other side of the room where the bed was. My mind raced with negative, self destructive thoughts as I just tried to focus on getting back to bed. Upon my arrival to the bed, I jumped in and got as comfortable as I could. Mathias put his hand on my shoulder, as I kept myself turned away from him.

"You okay baby?" He askes. Rubbing my shoulder gently. I flinched away from him slightly, but he didn't seem to notice. I just nodded, with a somewhat steady hum leaving my chapped lips. He kissed my forehead, pulling my in.

Ignoring the slightly alarming feeling that past over me, I was able to adjust to him until I was once again comfortable in his arms. I closed my eyes as the drowsynesss past over me.

I just need to sleep. It'll be better in the morning.

Recurring flashes of Jace rushed into my mind. Him touching me, violating me verbally.

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