Chapter 14

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Aizawas PoV

I couldn't stop thinking about what just happened with Izuku. He just.. froze. As if the time has stopped.. he was even breathing slowly. Thinking about it's he was probably doing that so it would hurt less.

I sighed and started training with Hitoshi, but I just couldn't stop thinking about Izuku. I guess I was so distracted that I didn't realise that Hitoshi swooped under my legs so the next thing I know I'm on the floor with Hitoshis foot pressing into my chest.

Hitoshi looked at me then laughed.
"Y'know it's still hard to beat you while you're thinking"
"I wouldn't be a good underground hero if I couldn't fight while deep in thought. What time even is it?"

Hitoshi looked at the clock "8:09" he took his foot off of my chest and gave me a hand. I still can't believe Hitoshi got abandoned because of his quirk, he's such a kind kid.

We walk upstairs and find Hizashi and Izuku talking and playing with the cats. Hizashi was on the couch, while Izuku was on the floor infront of him. They were talking about cats and how they're so cute.

Hitoshi and I smiled while looking at the whole scene, but then the unexpected happened. Izuku smiled, even though it was a small barely noticeable smile it was there and I think Hizashi realised it too because he smiled even brighter. Hitoshi shielded his eyes saying something like "too bright" and honest he was right, the scene was so cute that I took a picture.
"Remind me to print this out"
"make it two pictures" and we both nodded in agreement. We joined the little group of adult and teen and carried on talking about cats.

Time skip Izukus PoV

Its around 4pm and we were all in the living room. Yamada and Hitoshi have fallen asleep with the cats. Aizawa and I sat in a comfortable silence before I decided that I wanted to go test out my quirk again. I turned to look at Aizawa that was next to the cuddles up father and son. "M-may I go a-and train "my" q-quirk?"

It doesn't feel right to call it my quirk even though it's attached to my body. Aizawa looked surprised and then nodded and just as I was about to leave to get changed he said,
"I'm going with you, we don't need you getting hurt" I nodded and went to get changed.

Once I was changed I met up with Aizawa by the front door and we left. I also realised a piece of paper on the coffee table so I'm guessing he left a note for the other two. We walked to the closest park and found a large, grassy area with few people around it.

Aizawa turned to me. "You said you went out to test out your quirk this morning, did you manage to learn something?"
I nodded. "It's not much but I can open my wings now.."
Aizawa nodded, "good, do you wanna try flapping them then?"

I nod and walk a bit away from Aizawa so I don't hit him, I then concentrated and thought of my wings as a limb and opened them then I tried to flap them but It didn't work so I tried again but this time I relaxed so it would feel natural and believe it or not, it worked!

I went to look back at Aizawa but he was standing there staring at me.
"A-Aizawa Sir, are you alright?" Aizawa seemed to snap out of whatever trance he seemed to be in and nodded.
"Yeah, I'm fine. You should smile more, it's precious" I should WHAT?! "Huh?!?!" I blushed so red that I could compete with roses.

I hid my face from embarrassment. How could he say that? And I smiled? How? I didn't even realise? Is it really as nice as Aizawa said or does he want me off of his shoulder. It's probably pity and so that I'm not burdening him or annoying him.

"Flap them" I nod and relaxed and did just that. I felt much lighter and I didn't feel the pressure of my body on my feet anymore so I looked down and... MY FEET WEREN'T TOUCHING THE GROUND!! I was so panicked and excited that I lost balance and fell onto my back. The wind got knocked straight out of me.

Aizawa ran up to me and helped my sit up. "Are you okay?" I nodded and moved my wings so they're tucked in again. They hurt!
"Are you sure?"

"That was a nasty fall there little bird!" Hawks swooped down behind me and started touching my wings. It hurt but I didn't react until he pressed on the part that was connected to my body. I screamed. Hawks and Aizawa jumped back then quickly Hawks came back up to me and got some type of cream and a wierd blue slimy bandage? from his pocket and applied the cream first then the bandage.

"What is that?" Aizawa asked.
"It quickens the healing process of the bone of the wing, as his bones are hollow like mine they should heal in a few day, a week at best."
"What is on the bandage?"
"Well the cream has minerals to build the bone quicker and the bandage has been made with the use of a healing quirk that heals according to structure of the patient"
Aizawa nodded and we thanked Hawks then left to go home.

When we got home we saw Yamada and Hitoshi trying to cook. I'm gonna say it again, Trying. Aizawa looked at them and the stove and back at them. "What are you trying to make fire over there?" I started giggling when they realised the fire but then I quickly clasped my hand onto my mouth and started walking backwards.

"Are you okay?"
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to laugh, I'm sorry"
"It's okay, we're not gonna hurt you for laughing Izu" Aizawa said while approaching me. When he was close enough he placed his hand on my head and ruffled my hair. I flinched when he touched my head but I relaxed when he started ruffing my hair but then I got a flashback, and flinched even harder.

Who wants to know what the flashback was? It will be written in the next chapter and later on I will add another sketch from this chapter. Hope you like the story and the sketches.

Finally! Sorry for keeping you waiting I only started writing this chapter a few days ago because honestly I forgot about this.
Psycho~Chan Out~

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