Chapter 17

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Yamadas PoV

I woke up and went to the kitchen expecting to see my tired cat drinking his coffee as usual, but instead I just found a hot pink (like Aizawas sweat pants) sticky note saying that he went out with Izuku.

'It's nearly 5 so I have to start getting ready'
I went back to our room changed into some jeans a white shirt and took my leather jacket with me to the kitchen then chucked it onto the back of a chair and started trying to make breakfast.

I managed to not burn the eggs or bacon, I knew not to even try making pancakes because of what happened last time, I plated them and made coffee for my Cat and Hitoshi.

I heard the door open.
"Just in time, I made breakfast!"
"Wow, you didn't burn the house, I'm proud" I pout. "Rude much?" Shota laughed and turned to Izuku.
"Can you go wake up Hitoshi?" Izuku nodded and left to do so.

Izukus PoV

I open the door to Hitoshi room and climbed on the bed.
"Hey, Hitoshi, wake up!" I shook him a bit.
He grumbled and asked in a raspy voice
"What do you want"
"Sorry Hitoshi, Aizawa asked me to wake you up for breakfast."
He nodded and sat up. He smiled at me.
"Morning Izu"
"Good morning Hitoshi"

Third PoV

They got off the bed, walked to the kitchen and ate breakfast. Well Izuku ate a few mouth fulls and then apologised a few times for not eating all of it.

After that Mic left to his radio station.
"You wanna come and try to train with us again?" Aizawa asked Izuku. Izuku nodded and went down into the training room with them. This time he didn't look in the direction of the weapons straight away but instead looked around and saw a pull up bar; some mattresses and some normal training equipment. He turned around to look at Aizawa and was about to ask when he saw the weapons again. He froze. But then he looked down at the floor and spoke.

"C-can someone c-over t-the w-weapons..?"
"Sure, Hitoshi grab the other end"
They grabbed a large piece of fabric and covered the weapons.
"There, you can look up now Izu"
Izuku nodded and looked up to see no weapons in front of him and gave a small smile, if you can call it that.

"M-may I use the equipment over there..?"
"Of course"
Izuku walked up to the equipment and looked at what was there, while Aizawa started coaching Hitoshi. Izuku picked up a skipping rope and turned to the duo.
"Erm.. Aizawa? What is this?"
Aizawa turned to Izuku and when he saw what he was holding, he gave him a look of pity.
"It's a skipping rope, here let me help you."

Aizawa walked up to Izuku and took the skipping rope out of his hands. He grabbed the handles and placed them in Izukus palms from behind so the actual rope was behind him.
"Hold the handles and throw the rope over your head"
"Like this?"
Izuku threw the rope over his head and the rope layed on his feet. Aizawa nodded and then told him to walk over the rope.
"Do just that but continue going faster okay?" Izuku nodded and did just that.

Hitoshi watched this in pity for the poor abused boy. Aizawa turned back to Hitoshi.
"We need to get this boy a childhood"

Izukus PoV

I kept on repeating what Aizawa told me and soon enough I was jumping over the rope.
'What am I feeling?' I gave a small smile. 'Why am I smiling? I'm not even controlling it.' My barriers broke again and I smiled brightly and laughed (I can't be the only one that is super happy while skipping that she starts laughing).

Third PoV

Both Aizawa and Hitoshi whipped around so fast that they almost fell over, when they heard a laugh. Both of them stared at Izuku and smiled. Aizawa pulled out his phone and started taking a video of the boy jumping over a rope for the first time. After a few minutes the males stopped staring and went back to doing what they were doing but this time instead of pitying the boy they were happy.

Izuku stopped jumping when he felt tried and sat down on the mattresses.
"There's water by the door Izu"
"Huh? Thank you"
Izuku grabbed a bottle and went back onto the mattresses. A bit later while Izuku wasn't paying attention Hitoshi jumped onto his stomach on top of the mattresses. Izuku flinched.
Hitoshi smiled and drank a bit of water from his bottle.
"We're going back upstairs, come on."
Izuku nodded and went up with them.

Yay! Izuku was happy!!!!!!!
Psycho~Chan Out~

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