Chapter 7

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Baby UwUs PoV (deku)

Once they left I was happy. Happy that he actually talked to me again. I figured out his parents are Present Mic and Eraserhead, but looking at Shinsou and Eraserhead, you could probably think that they are actually related (boy about to pull a Todoroki).

I payed for the coffee and went to a stationary store. I know it's weird but I need to write a suicide note on something. I bought a notebook, a pencil and a sharpener for the pencil and so I could have something to cut myself with before I kill myself just in case the fall doesn't kill me.
'Ok I think that's it'
I walked out the store to see that it's already turning dark,
'How long was I at the cafe for?'
By looking at the sky it was around 9pm so I if I start going to the building now it will be around 9:30 so that's fine, I'll write my note using the flash on my phone, let's just hope it doesn't aware anyone of my whereabouts.

Time skip (he's at the building)

Ok so I'm standing in front of the building but.. I'm hesitant. I don't know why, maybe it's because I now have a friend and I don't know how he'll react? Or maybe it's because I should stay a punching bag? I don't know anymore. I finally go to the floor under the roof and pull out my notebook and pencil with the sharpener. I put the pencil to the paper and I start writing.

Dear whoever found this letter,
I am truly sorry for burdening you with my body, but I just couldn't stand it anymore, the bulling and the abuse is just too much for me.
Do whatever you want with my body but I just want to ask one favour, please give this note to Kacchan, otherwise known as Katsuki Bakugou, he lives at xxxx xxx xxxxx and please don't read the next part of the letter unless you are him.

Dear Katsuki, Kacchan, Bakugou,
I'm sorry for being useless and not good enough, I know you didn't mean what you said inside but I just couldn't take it. I just want you to forget about me and become the best hero the world could have. I don't know why you would blame yourself but just know this wasn't your fault, or anyone's for the matter, this was my decision.
I never looked down on you I hope you saw that.

-signed Izuku, Deku, Midoriya

Perfect, let's just hope I don't trouble anyone with my body, and I'm sorry mom I won't be able to see you again as you are an angel and I am going to hell.

I walk up to the roof and take off my shoes and placed them on top of my note, I threw the sharpener a few times until it finally broke, I took the blade from inside and cut, long, deep lines on my arms. It started to sting so i decided to just jump now. I walk over to the edge. I look up at the sky, "Goodbye" and I lean back.

Dadzawa PoV

I just started my shift so I was jumping from building to building under the night sky. It was nice and calming, the warm summer wind hitting my face and the sparkling stars above. It was a normal night nothing bad is going to happen until a few hours but oh boy I was wrong. As I was jumping from rooftop to rooftop I saw someone sitting on the roof, at first I thought nothing of it as a lot of people like to look at the stars, but then I realised he wasn't looking up, he was looking down and crying.

I started running in his direction, he took off his shoes, 'shit' he's walking over to the edge, he climbs onto the other side, 'goddamit I'm not gonna be fast enough!' He looks up and says something and then leans forward 'no no no no no' I finally land on the roof I throw my scarf...

I don't feel a tug..

I don't feel it..


Fuck fuck fuck...

I felt it.. thank god!

I pull him up and see that he's still awake. Thank Fuck! Oh my god.
"Hey kid, what's your name?"
"Please, let me go, I'm just a burden to everyone, I don't deserve to live! Please!"
Wait a second.. I know that voice! Izuku Midoriya!
"No Izuku, I won't let you go."
He shifts a bit and I hear him suck in some air through his teeth like he was in pain, that's when I saw it. Blood. Blood everywhere. It covered his back and my scarf. I let go of my scarf and I see him relax a bit before he started to whimper and whine.

There's even more blood now and he passed out from pain. 'Shit I need to get him to hospital'
I stood up and ran to the nearest hospital as fast as possible with him in my arms.
"This boy needs medical attention right now!" I shout as I run through the hospital doors. The doctors tell me to put him on a bed chest down and to go to the waiting room.

It's been 3 hours and still nothing, I'm getting more and more worried, 'what if he doesn't make it?' 'What will Hitoshi think about his only friend dying?' 'He would blame me as I was there!' 'I could of saved him' 'what would Hizashi think about having a failure as a husband' 'what if-' I was pulled out of my thoughts when a nurse came up to me asking if I was here for Izuku Midoriya. I replied with a yes and is he ok. "He's fine, he's also awake would you like to see him?"
"Then please head to room 837"
"thank you" I fast walk to the room and open the door to see something magnificent. Izuku Midoriya was now stitting there with huge and beautiful white angel wings with golden green tips. I must've been staring for a while as Midoriya asked
"Aizawa sir, are you ok?"

It's not really a cliffhanger but I really wanted to say that for some reason, anyway I hope you like this chapter and leave me some ideas for the next chapters cause I'm running out of them.
Psycho~Chan out~

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