Chapter 6

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Some of you miss understood, but I am still doing this story.

Deku's PoV

I finished making my father breakfast, just some bacon and eggs, and I went to wake him up, and it definitely was not easy, he's a deep sleeper so it took me a few minutes.
"What do you want, Brat." He spat out in his usual venom.
"Breakfast is ready sir," I replied slightly impressed that I didn't stutter,
"Good now get out the house, I don't want to see you at all, come back when I'm asleep and DONT wake me up." He stated coldly,
"yes sir, thank you sir." I answered and left the room put on my shoes took my bag that I had prepared and left the hellhole.

"Finally" I said while looking at the sky, it's 5:30 so it's already bright out and really warm, which isn't exactly a good thing as I can't even wear shorts because of my cuts and scars, I could wear short sleeved tops but I would have to have bandages on the wrists and I would have to change them quite a few times but that's limited, as I have to buy my own first aid kit and I don't have much money, the money that I have is from my part-time job that I work so I could have the supplies.

I work at night on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, at a corner shop down the road. I'm telling you it's no fun working in a shop at night cause that's when the villains come, I know everything about all the villains that come to the shop; name, quirk etc. but they don't know I know this information, and they just know me as 'shop brat' but I'm fine with that.

As I was walking down the street ,I guess I was so far in my head, I didn't see the person in front of me so I bumped into them. I guess they're bigger and stronger than me as they didn't even budge at the impact but I fell onto the hard concrete ground. I stood up without looking at them and bowed my head saying
"Sorry, i wasn't looking where I was going," I was about to walk away when I heard a cheerful chuckle come from the, now presumed, man. Finally I looked up and I was met with light green eyes and long blonde hair.
"It's no problem little listener, but are you ok? You look down, and what are you doing out so early?" he asked. 'Omg! Its present mic! Ok ok calm down'
"I'm fine sir, and I just wanted to go for a walk to clear my mind," I replied quickly.
"Ah well then, don't let me distract you from your walk." And with that he walked away.

I continued walking until I stumbled upon an abandoned looking building so I decided to explore it, maybe just maybe it's high enough, it's in a really nice place, not many people go around here so no one could stop me. I walk into the building and I see no one in here so I carry on exploring.

After fifteen minutes of exploring the first floor I decide to go higher up, apparently there's been a murder or a suicide here and the police/hero's weren't bothered to clean up as there was blood on the floor and a knife. Welp, I guess that can't be helped, the police/hero's probably were like 'no one goes here, we can leave it, it's not like a teenage kid will go here to see if they can commit' well that's what's happening right now so it can't be helped.

I carried on exploring like nothing happened, but I couldn't help to think back to my purple haired friend, could I call him a friend, or was he just being nice? Is he just trying to gain my trust so he could break me, or does he actually care?

'Of course he doesn't care'

'Leave me alone'

'You know I'm telling the truth'

'No your not!'

'Do you really think that somebody can care about you,'



'Why do you do this to me?'

'Because you're worthless Deku'

'I don't think I need someone to tell me, I already know.'

'I know you know, I'm just deepening the wound,'

'But why?' (Even I'm curious, I have no clue what I'm writing right now)

'*chuckle* so you don't forget'

'Oh, you know what, I give up on even trying, I can't take it anymore!'

I run up the stairs onto the roof and look around, there's no barrier, 'perfect' I ran to the edge and look down onto the ground, 'this is it, this is where I will die' I turn around and I...


Jk jk

...walked away from the edge, walked out of the building and continued my walk. 'Tonight' I thought.

A few hours later, I found myself at the cat cafe I was at with Shinsou, I decided to go inside so I can cherish the place I made a friend at.

I walk in and immediately a cat brushed up against my legs so I picked it up and walked up to the cashier and bought a catpuccino and I went to sit at a table in the far corner by a window.

As I was sipping my coffee the bell rang signifying that someone came into the cafe. I looked up to see who it was (am I the only one who always does that?) and to my surprise, I saw a tired floof of purple and another of black and a yellow parakeet that had his hair down.

I quickly look down so I don't embarrass Shinsou by looking at him and I continue petting the cat and drinking my coffee. Suddenly, I heard someone sit down in front of me. I look up and saw Shinsou opposite me. At first I was surprised about then I relaxed and said with a small smile
"hey, why are you here?" He smiled at me and replied "I'm here with my parents, you?"
"Oh I'm just here for the cats and coffee," and just like that we started talking for a long time until the two people that he came in with that I recognised as Eraserhead and Present Mic came up to us to take Shinsou back.

Espresso-depresso (Eraserheads) PoV

(Ha I bet you weren't expecting that!)
When we walked into the cafe there weren't many people in the cafe, as usual we ordered and went to a table and apparently Hitoshi found a friend as he walked over to him and started talking with him. The boy had untamed green hair and and very noticeable freckles. He seemed nice so I let them be.

Hizashi and I decided it was time to leave so we went up to the table the boy and Hitoshi were at and told him we had to go. Apparently the boy had really good manners as he said,
"good afternoon sir" but he seemed shy. Then Hizashi suddenly spoke,
"hey, aren't you the boy who bumped into me earlier?" I was confused until the boy replied,
"Ah, yes, sorry about that again sir,"
"it's not problem like I said earlier, but what's your name?"
"Oh that was rude of me I didn't introduce myself, my names Izuku Midoriya, sir" those are some damn good manners! I've never heard anyone with so good manners! I can see that Hizashi is shocked at his manners as well.

"Hizashi Yamada, this tired cat beside me is Shota Aizawa." I glared at Hizashi for introducing me like that and Hitoshi chuckled but the boy did nothing but smile and say,
"it's nice to meet you both."
"We just came to steal Hitoshi and go home." I stated in my tired mototone voice. Hizashi glared at me probably because that sounded rude.
"Oh, sorry for taking up your time, you're probably busy so I'll let you take Shinsou and go." He bowed and Hitoshi and Hizashi has death glares on me but Hitoshi stood up and came with us but not before saying bye to his friend.

Hello peeps. Sorry that you had to wait so long for the next part. Just a quick warning next chapter has suicide in it! Have fun!
Psycho~chan out~

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